I don't believe in "unconditional" love. Or, at least, I do not think that would be a good thing. If I were to suddenly have a personality change, and started beating my wife, I hope she would leave me. I think she would, eventually, though I would first need to burn through 20+ years of goodwill. But I don't think that would take long if we are talking about brutal beatings, and I certainly hope it would not take long.
I think if you want love, and want marriage or something like it, the best way to go about it is to start out as friends. My wife and I were the best of friends before we added romance to the mix. If you are curious about the details, I have posted about this before:
One of the reasons why I had not thought of her as a potential romantic partner earlier is due to the difference in our ages. She was much younger (at the time; now the difference in our ages seems trivial). Lest you get the wrong idea, she was in her 20's, not a child.
As for honesty, I like gentle honesty, and dislike both white lies and brutal honesty. I have a friend who is brutally honest, and though I like her very much, I would find living with her wearing.
To give a stylized example to distinguish between white lies, gentle truth, and brutal truth:
White lie: That shirt looks fine with those trousers.
Gentle truth: I don't care for that shirt with those trousers; please wear a different combination.
Brutal truth: Are you fucking insane? That shirt with those trousers? That is the ugliest combination I have ever seen! What kind of dumb fuck are you? Have you no sense of taste at all?
If I get to choose, I will take gentle truth every time. And that is what I get from my wife, and what I give her as well.
"A wise man ... proportions his belief to the evidence."
— David Hume, An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, Section X, Part I.