This is an excellent question but it's really almost impossible to answer.
Sometimes people lie to people they love, to spare them the pain of knowing a hard truth.
But sometimes people unintentionally hurt the ones they love, by withholding the truth,
albeit it was done with the best of intentions.
On the other hand, I've deeply hurt friends I loved very much,
because I refused to lie to them, even though I knew the truth would hurt them...
because I knew that allowing them to labour under a misapprehension would definitely harm them, in the future.
(even it it cost me their friendship).
Other times, people have disclosed a hurtful truth to someone they loved,
simply because of "honesty being the best policy"
...only to find that their honesty accomplished NOTHING except causing damage and pain,
and withholding the truth might have done NO harm, whatsoever.
I'm inclined to think I'd prefer to have the truth,
but it is also undeniable that I've heard truths I wish I hadn't,
and I wouldn't be any worse off, if I'd remained ignorant.
I can also "live" without love....but I wouldn't be fulfilled.
It would feel like a half-life.
it's like having a Ferrari parked in your driveway but you lost the keys.
You know that the potential for a thrilling ride is there,
but you never get to take it.
Sometimes people lie to people they love, to spare them the pain of knowing a hard truth.
But sometimes people unintentionally hurt the ones they love, by withholding the truth,
albeit it was done with the best of intentions.
On the other hand, I've deeply hurt friends I loved very much,
because I refused to lie to them, even though I knew the truth would hurt them...
because I knew that allowing them to labour under a misapprehension would definitely harm them, in the future.
(even it it cost me their friendship).
Other times, people have disclosed a hurtful truth to someone they loved,
simply because of "honesty being the best policy"
...only to find that their honesty accomplished NOTHING except causing damage and pain,
and withholding the truth might have done NO harm, whatsoever.
I'm inclined to think I'd prefer to have the truth,
but it is also undeniable that I've heard truths I wish I hadn't,
and I wouldn't be any worse off, if I'd remained ignorant.
I can also "live" without love....but I wouldn't be fulfilled.
It would feel like a half-life.
it's like having a Ferrari parked in your driveway but you lost the keys.
You know that the potential for a thrilling ride is there,
but you never get to take it.