(July 25, 2015 at 2:10 pm)Wyrd of Gawd Wrote: The holocaust is a classic myth just like the Jesus story is. People who question either one are made out to be some type of evil nuts who won't see the "truth". The holocaust myth works because anyone who claims that it's BS is severely punished, even criminally in some places. That shuts down investigation. The whole purpose of the holocaust myth was to provide justification for the Jews to steal Palestine and to put the Palestinians into concentration camps.
When the war started there were fewer than 100,000 Jews in all of Germany. When the war ended there were still tens of thousands of Jews alive and kicking in Germany.
Wow, and to think my grandfather was lying to me all those years when he told me about liberating the death camps full of Jews in WWII and personally seeing the ovens they burned the dead Jews in.
Everything I needed to know about life I learned on Dagobah.