Meanwhile there are Christian terrorist groups in the U.S.:
Let's not forget Paul Jennings Hill, Eric Rodolph, James Charles Kopp, and the Army of God. Hardly representatives of Christians everywhere, but certainly out there and busily killing gays, lesbians and especially abortionists in the name of god.
And anti Muslism Christian nuts Robert Duggart. Not aware of his violent anti muslim terrorist plans? Well, that's because this is a majority Christian country, and his violent ideas don't fit our stereo type of who kills who.
Not to mention The Christian Identity Movement in the U.S.
Let's not forget Paul Jennings Hill, Eric Rodolph, James Charles Kopp, and the Army of God. Hardly representatives of Christians everywhere, but certainly out there and busily killing gays, lesbians and especially abortionists in the name of god.
And anti Muslism Christian nuts Robert Duggart. Not aware of his violent anti muslim terrorist plans? Well, that's because this is a majority Christian country, and his violent ideas don't fit our stereo type of who kills who.
Not to mention The Christian Identity Movement in the U.S.
If there is a god, I want to believe that there is a god. If there is not a god, I want to believe that there is no god.