(August 11, 2015 at 1:57 pm)Deepthunk Wrote: That's why I can't deal when Christians talk about Islam like it is so much worse. It's only worse today. The modern human rights and liberal standards of the Western world do not come from Christianity (which some Christians love to tell you they do). They've formed over centuries of enlightenment and a gradual pealing back of the Christian Church's political power. What you see in the Middle East with Islam today is exactly what Christianity used to be in Europe, and what it would be again given political power.
You're talking about the council of Nicea, but christianity only became state religion in 385 with emperor Theodosius. Nicea was the big Constantinian butt kissing contest when all what early christians held dear was thrown overboard to suck up to the emperor. But it wasn't the final word. Not by a long chalk.
(August 11, 2015 at 1:57 pm)Deepthunk Wrote: And or own president Obama, who I am now ashamed of having voted for in '08, bows to the king of this so-called moderate regime.
You are aware that virtually every president in history kissed Saudi ass? Because they're what I like to call good bastards. As long as they play American ball and deliver the goods they will be cocksucked for all eternity by every administration to come.