-The Epidural wasn't used on pregnant women for the first time until 1945. So for however the fuck many years, women had no option. Seems like a shitty thing to do to someone because their ancestor ate a piece of fruit she wasn't supposed to.
-And you missed the point completely. People today are being punished for things that someone (allegedly) did more than 6000 years ago.
-Eddie Murphy didn't make a Donkey talk. He talked for a Donkey. If you're trying to say "Satan talked for the Serpent!" then why don't we see him talking for serpents today? But even that wouldn't make sense because you have this passage from Genesis:
The LORD God said to the serpent, "Because you have done this, Cursed are you more than all cattle, And more than every beast of the field; On your belly you will go, And dust you will eat All the days of your life
So did god punish the serpent for the devil talking through it? Seems kind of shitty to me.
-You're making the argument that man evolved separately from Adam and Eve, and that they happened to be completely compatible with Adam and Eve somehow. Despite the fact that:
A. You have zero evidence
B. You have nothing to base this on in your bible.
You can't admit that Adam and Eve is just a story, because then you have to start questioning if everything else is just a story. I mean there's plenty of problems with the creation myth. Plants are created before sunlight for example. The simple answer I'm sure you'll give is "God didn't make them need sunlight!" so why do they need sunlight now? Also the sun is older than the earth, despite the bible saying otherwise.
And how is it that god created man from dirt, and woman from rib, and then millions of years later something exactly like those creations evolved. Was this part of god's plan? Why? What evidence is there for this?
Besides... even if you ignore all the Adam and Eve'ing. There's one simple fact about genealogy. Noah was a descendant of Adam and Eve. And god floods the world, and kills fucking everybody except for Noah and his sons. That story of course has many problems of its own.
-And you missed the point completely. People today are being punished for things that someone (allegedly) did more than 6000 years ago.
-Eddie Murphy didn't make a Donkey talk. He talked for a Donkey. If you're trying to say "Satan talked for the Serpent!" then why don't we see him talking for serpents today? But even that wouldn't make sense because you have this passage from Genesis:
The LORD God said to the serpent, "Because you have done this, Cursed are you more than all cattle, And more than every beast of the field; On your belly you will go, And dust you will eat All the days of your life
So did god punish the serpent for the devil talking through it? Seems kind of shitty to me.
-You're making the argument that man evolved separately from Adam and Eve, and that they happened to be completely compatible with Adam and Eve somehow. Despite the fact that:
A. You have zero evidence
B. You have nothing to base this on in your bible.
You can't admit that Adam and Eve is just a story, because then you have to start questioning if everything else is just a story. I mean there's plenty of problems with the creation myth. Plants are created before sunlight for example. The simple answer I'm sure you'll give is "God didn't make them need sunlight!" so why do they need sunlight now? Also the sun is older than the earth, despite the bible saying otherwise.
And how is it that god created man from dirt, and woman from rib, and then millions of years later something exactly like those creations evolved. Was this part of god's plan? Why? What evidence is there for this?
Besides... even if you ignore all the Adam and Eve'ing. There's one simple fact about genealogy. Noah was a descendant of Adam and Eve. And god floods the world, and kills fucking everybody except for Noah and his sons. That story of course has many problems of its own.