(September 4, 2015 at 10:06 am)Divinity Wrote: I love how stupid fuckers continue to defend this cunt. They love to show off their bigotry, and cry "Persecution!" They wouldn't know fucking persecution if it was standing in front of them. The stupid fucking bigots cite their beliefs as if it gives them a free pass to break the damn law. Then they cite other people 'breaking the law' to defend the stupid cow. As if, you know, two fucking wrongs made a right. Of course they only defend her, and not the others breaking the law for their beliefs, because they don't have the same fucking beliefs.
The persecution complex bullshit that so many stupid people have today is stupid as fuck. How the fuck is forcing the stupid fuck to fucking sign a fucking piece of paper going against her backwater backwards inbred hick beliefs in the first place?
Fuckin' A!