(September 11, 2015 at 2:07 pm)Simon Moon Wrote: Yes you could still be an atheist and believe in a soul.
You would not be a critical thinker, but you could still be an atheist.
Atheism is a position on a single claim, the existence of a god or gods. Anything beyond that one position is outside the purview of atheism.
Not all atheists are critical thinkers. I know atheists that believe in: alien visitations, ancient aliens, homeopathy, all sorts of conspiracy theories, etc.
1. I will have to disagree on your first point. Yes, there maybe some individuals that claim to be "atheists" but are rather skeptics. If you believe in a soul then you also would have to agree on the transmigration of the soul to either hell or heaven/paradise. If not then either you would believe the soul dies when the physical body dies or reincarnation or something similar.
2. The declaration and belief in NO GOD(s) is Atheism.
3. Atheism is based on a single claim. There are premise(s) to the claim (conclusion).
4. Atheists who question and debate on "alien visitations, ancient aliens, homeopathy, all sorts of conspiracy theories, etc." are critically thinking on the previous subjects mentioned. That is "critical thinking". The same thing as we debate on ghosts, angels, demonology, etc.