That any of it was real.
I believed what people told me when I was very young because that's what small children do. They absorb the information that people tell them and because they have no frame of reference they're unable to discern what is 'true' and what isn't. It wasn't until the mysteries of the world started to become less magical (eg. Santa) that I began to see through the bull. In terms of Christianity it was the flood and the millions of deaths that were just ignored in the 'good news' bible that was read to me when I was around 6 or7. The magic of a fresh start was tainted by the deaths of every animal and person on the planet, I then started to realise that actually Christianity was neither loving nor true.
I believed what people told me when I was very young because that's what small children do. They absorb the information that people tell them and because they have no frame of reference they're unable to discern what is 'true' and what isn't. It wasn't until the mysteries of the world started to become less magical (eg. Santa) that I began to see through the bull. In terms of Christianity it was the flood and the millions of deaths that were just ignored in the 'good news' bible that was read to me when I was around 6 or7. The magic of a fresh start was tainted by the deaths of every animal and person on the planet, I then started to realise that actually Christianity was neither loving nor true.