Things I thought about Christianity that the bible does not support:
God is omnibenevolent.
The bible says the oppsite, there are those in whom God hates.
God's love is unconditional.
In fact John 3:16 shows us the conditions/limitations God puts on love: God so loved the world that He gave his only son that who so ever believes... (that is the condition) Shall not perish but have ever lasting life.
We burn forever in Hell.
The bible never says we (souls) burn forever. It says Hell was Satan's prision where He will burn forever, and the lost souls who are cast into it are eventually consumed by it's fire. Which brings the Hell Jesus describes in line with the Jewish version of it. (The grave) "Fear not the one who can harm the body. But, Fear the one who can destroy the body and soul in Hell."
That Jesus was non-confrontational and loved everyone.
To the pharrisees He was a nightmare. He made them look foolish at every turn and called them out on their foolishness. To his deciples He called them idiots on a regular basis. To Peter "Petros"/loose gravel (unstable one) he give a humbling nickname.
That Christians are supposed to treat everyone according to how they would like to be treated.
We are to treat others as we would like to be treated. Not all of us wish to celibrate our ignorance, if we are march around with no cloths, some of us would like to know.
That we get to heaven by being 'moral' and doing 'good deeds' by obeying the 10 commandments.
We get to heaven despite our 'good deeds' and our inability to keep any of the commandments. We get to heaven only through atonement offered by Christ. Which as nothing to do with our 'morality.'
That prayer is a formal wishing ceremony (where 'good Christians' get to ask God for stuff they want.)
Prayer is not a way for us to change God's mind, it is an opportunity for us to ask God to change our mind and hearts to align with what He wants for us.
That we trade good deeds for granted wishes.
This is just all the way wrong. God knows what we want, and if we can put Him first we do not even have to ask. That said God will never give us something that would keep us from Him.
That all 'gods' offer a personal relationship with their people.
All other non Christian versions of God only speak to prophets. Regular people rarely if ever see or hear from their God.
Ive got a few more if you like, but these are some of the more elementary sunday school level misunderstandings of Christianity that fuel most of the debates here.
God is omnibenevolent.
The bible says the oppsite, there are those in whom God hates.
God's love is unconditional.
In fact John 3:16 shows us the conditions/limitations God puts on love: God so loved the world that He gave his only son that who so ever believes... (that is the condition) Shall not perish but have ever lasting life.
We burn forever in Hell.
The bible never says we (souls) burn forever. It says Hell was Satan's prision where He will burn forever, and the lost souls who are cast into it are eventually consumed by it's fire. Which brings the Hell Jesus describes in line with the Jewish version of it. (The grave) "Fear not the one who can harm the body. But, Fear the one who can destroy the body and soul in Hell."
That Jesus was non-confrontational and loved everyone.
To the pharrisees He was a nightmare. He made them look foolish at every turn and called them out on their foolishness. To his deciples He called them idiots on a regular basis. To Peter "Petros"/loose gravel (unstable one) he give a humbling nickname.
That Christians are supposed to treat everyone according to how they would like to be treated.
We are to treat others as we would like to be treated. Not all of us wish to celibrate our ignorance, if we are march around with no cloths, some of us would like to know.
That we get to heaven by being 'moral' and doing 'good deeds' by obeying the 10 commandments.
We get to heaven despite our 'good deeds' and our inability to keep any of the commandments. We get to heaven only through atonement offered by Christ. Which as nothing to do with our 'morality.'
That prayer is a formal wishing ceremony (where 'good Christians' get to ask God for stuff they want.)
Prayer is not a way for us to change God's mind, it is an opportunity for us to ask God to change our mind and hearts to align with what He wants for us.
That we trade good deeds for granted wishes.
This is just all the way wrong. God knows what we want, and if we can put Him first we do not even have to ask. That said God will never give us something that would keep us from Him.
That all 'gods' offer a personal relationship with their people.
All other non Christian versions of God only speak to prophets. Regular people rarely if ever see or hear from their God.
Ive got a few more if you like, but these are some of the more elementary sunday school level misunderstandings of Christianity that fuel most of the debates here.