You get no argument from me on them being fundamentalists. The rest is rather dubious in nature, I would say.
I never went by what Dawkins, Harris and Hitchens say or said. They had no part in me being an atheist. I despise Harris, not for his atheism, but for other reasons, mostly his support of wars and torture and blanket statements he made. I like Dawkins for his tongue ion cheek attitude and I don't know a single word Hitchens said in his lifetime.
I never went by what Dawkins, Harris and Hitchens say or said. They had no part in me being an atheist. I despise Harris, not for his atheism, but for other reasons, mostly his support of wars and torture and blanket statements he made. I like Dawkins for his tongue ion cheek attitude and I don't know a single word Hitchens said in his lifetime.