By that concept, we can consider the American constitution -for example- prop for the nationalist cult called "America" which injects fear into its followers -from imprisonment- to follow in a certain system of tax paying & eternal work, while building a corral around them composed of law-enforcement individuals to prohibit them from doing such matters -such as smoking marijuana-, with the penalty of termination if the resisted, or jail and economical fines if they were caught carrying it or smuggling it.
Following your concept now, I renounce all countries as cults, having constitution as one of their props, identical in function & identical in all appearance (i.e the USA is the same as Saudi Arabia, China is the same as France)..
Please chuck..
To each their laws, and to each their way, to each their sins, and to each their positiveness/negativeness.
But joining all Muslims in one plate ?
That's not just unfair, it's more of a "blind eye".
Following your concept now, I renounce all countries as cults, having constitution as one of their props, identical in function & identical in all appearance (i.e the USA is the same as Saudi Arabia, China is the same as France)..
Please chuck..
To each their laws, and to each their way, to each their sins, and to each their positiveness/negativeness.
But joining all Muslims in one plate ?
That's not just unfair, it's more of a "blind eye".