So, what you REALLY want is a professional psychologist or psychiatrist who is a Theist, who will objectively pat your hand and say "well of COURSE you're in contact with god, dear!".
I'm not even sure you'll find a minister who will do that.
If you're truly interested in truth, and you believe your experience to be truth, then trust it. Surely god won't leave you hanging without anything to give to a professional assessor.
If you really believe it's god, then put it out there to a professional, not to a bunch of atheists that you knew you couldn't convince before you even signed up.
Take your experience to a psychiatrist, they will perform tests, you'll have your facts. If a non-biased professional agrees with you, then you really have something.
But if you're looking for bias before you even get started, then you don't trust that this is god. Simple as that.
I'm not even sure you'll find a minister who will do that.
If you're truly interested in truth, and you believe your experience to be truth, then trust it. Surely god won't leave you hanging without anything to give to a professional assessor.
If you really believe it's god, then put it out there to a professional, not to a bunch of atheists that you knew you couldn't convince before you even signed up.
Take your experience to a psychiatrist, they will perform tests, you'll have your facts. If a non-biased professional agrees with you, then you really have something.
But if you're looking for bias before you even get started, then you don't trust that this is god. Simple as that.
"The family that prays brainwashing their children."- Albert Einstein