Monica does seem like a useless snake in the grass to keep around and too unpredictable. Good riddance.
Could be the winner's cut but could also just be good TV as you say. Everyone can identify with him. He isn't that exceptional physically but he gets a lot out of what he has by adding a generous dose of smarts.
It must be said .. if Stephanie was basically like a dude, then Stephen is a total girl. Not just miss the shot but score one for another tribe. Brilliant.
How does that even happen? That guy is a plague with glasses. Gotta go. Do you both like him? Why? I mean, I know Cathy has a thing for pre-pubescent looking boys but what is your excuse, Morgan?
Yep, I was thoroughly entertained.
And think of the boobies! What would the show be without them? (I wouldn't care to find out.)
All good points. Women have a few advantages in the show but for the reasons you outline, they can all be turned against them. I'm shit with names but there have been several I'd put right up there as favorites .. even ignoring their wonderful knockers.
With any luck he'll get the axe he so richly deserves next week and relieve the tension for you.
(October 22, 2015 at 10:07 am)Catholic_Lady Wrote: Sooooooo, has anyone else taken note of Spencer's edit??
Could he possibly be getting the winner edit, or at least, the edit of a person who goes far? Then again, he is great TV. I love watching him because you can tell how much he's into the game and he's always playing.
Could be the winner's cut but could also just be good TV as you say. Everyone can identify with him. He isn't that exceptional physically but he gets a lot out of what he has by adding a generous dose of smarts.
(October 22, 2015 at 10:07 am)Catholic_Lady Wrote: The only girl in Survivor that I ever liked a lot was Stephanie, and she was basically like a dude lol.
It must be said .. if Stephanie was basically like a dude, then Stephen is a total girl. Not just miss the shot but score one for another tribe. Brilliant.
(October 22, 2015 at 10:33 am)Clueless Morgan Wrote: Bayon went to tribal, Stephen skipped through without a single vote ..
How does that even happen? That guy is a plague with glasses. Gotta go. Do you both like him? Why? I mean, I know Cathy has a thing for pre-pubescent looking boys but what is your excuse, Morgan?
(October 22, 2015 at 10:33 am)Clueless Morgan Wrote: Loved this episode!
Yep, I was thoroughly entertained.
(October 22, 2015 at 10:33 am)Clueless Morgan Wrote:Quote:I don't know why, but I feel like I become super misogynistic when it comes to this show lol. The only girl in Survivor that I ever liked a lot was Stephanie, and she was basically like a dude lol. I just feel like the girls aren't as good at the game, and are kinda boring. The men are much more diverse and interesting characters. And the women who actually ARE interesting characters are usually brats like Abi and Kass.
Yes, you are mysogynistic about this show. j/k...What about Parvati? What about Sandra? Or Kim? Or Sophie?
And think of the boobies! What would the show be without them? (I wouldn't care to find out.)
(October 22, 2015 at 10:33 am)Clueless Morgan Wrote: I also think there's not a lot of love given toward women in general, let alone on the show. Women who play aggressive games are seen as bitches, as too aggressive, and tend to fall into the villain category: Kass. Women who use their charms and looks to get ahead are written off as simply using their feminine whiles to get what they want while the rest of their game is overlooked: Parvati. Women who align with a dominant male player who takes all the bullets are viewed as riding coat tails while their efforts go unappreciated: Natalie White.
All good points. Women have a few advantages in the show but for the reasons you outline, they can all be turned against them. I'm shit with names but there have been several I'd put right up there as favorites .. even ignoring their wonderful knockers.
(October 22, 2015 at 10:33 am)Clueless Morgan Wrote: I'm nervous for Stephen next week; he seems to be getting a little cocky next week.
With any luck he'll get the axe he so richly deserves next week and relieve the tension for you.