(December 11, 2010 at 12:09 pm)Paul the Human Wrote: I think it is abusive in a manner of speaking, but the vast majority of the time, the indoctrination of children is done unconsciously (as the parents truly believe what they are teaching) and is not meant to be malicious in any way. Religion has the concept of 'the carrot and the stick' built right in, so along with the threats of damnation come the promises of salvation. For that reason, I don't think it can be considered abuse, really. Abuse is done intentionally, with malice, and/or through neglect. Religious indoctrination, even though it contains elements of fear mongering and threats, is done with the best of intentions (most of the time). At least, that's my take on it.
We'll probably never see religion disappear from our little world, so maybe the best we can hope for is that people begin concentrating on the positive aspects (promises of love and salvation) and stop threatening their kids with damnation if they tell a white lie.
I fully agree with your thoughts on this topic.