So, a teache decides to teach her kindergarten class the names of some animals.
She hold up a picture of a horse and asks, "So kids, what animal is this?"
After a minute, little Suzi raises her hand.
"Ok Suzi, what animal is this?"
"A horse?" says Suzi.
"That's right. Now who can tell me what this is:" she asks while holding up a picture of a cow.
After a minute Betty Jo raises her hand.
"Ok, Betty Jo. What is it?" the teach says.
Betty Jo says "That's a cow, just like the one papa has."
"Very good Betty Jo. Now, who can tell me what this one is?" she says as she raises a picture of a full grown buck
After a couple of minutes with no one raising their hand, the teacher gives a hint: "It's something your mommy might call your daddy."
Immediately, little Johnny's had shoots up.
"Ok little Johnny. What is it?"
"That right there's a Horny Bastard!"
She hold up a picture of a horse and asks, "So kids, what animal is this?"
After a minute, little Suzi raises her hand.
"Ok Suzi, what animal is this?"
"A horse?" says Suzi.
"That's right. Now who can tell me what this is:" she asks while holding up a picture of a cow.
After a minute Betty Jo raises her hand.
"Ok, Betty Jo. What is it?" the teach says.
Betty Jo says "That's a cow, just like the one papa has."
"Very good Betty Jo. Now, who can tell me what this one is?" she says as she raises a picture of a full grown buck
After a couple of minutes with no one raising their hand, the teacher gives a hint: "It's something your mommy might call your daddy."
Immediately, little Johnny's had shoots up.
"Ok little Johnny. What is it?"
"That right there's a Horny Bastard!"
Thief and assassin for hire. Member in good standing of the Rogues Guild.