It is simply not the case that more attractive people get raped more often than unattractive people.
I'll say it again:
It is simply not the case that more attractive people get raped more often than unattractive people.
Do I need to say it again?
Apparently I have to repeat myself a lot. Rape rarely has to do with sex and is almost always a control thing. Provocative clothing is not correlated to instances of rape.
Should I repeat myself... again?
I'll say it again:
It is simply not the case that more attractive people get raped more often than unattractive people.
Do I need to say it again?
Apparently I have to repeat myself a lot. Rape rarely has to do with sex and is almost always a control thing. Provocative clothing is not correlated to instances of rape.
Should I repeat myself... again?
Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.