KichigaiNeko Wrote:Poor dqualk ....
1. You are a catatonic
2. You seem to enjoy fairy-stories
3. You believe anything anyone tells you (so long as they are xtian)
4. You seem to still desperately need to believe in Santa Claus
We have our AWWW moments as you put them (how quaint)
I might suggest that you look at for AWWW factor.
We live very meaningful and successful lives sans your sky-daddy (or any other version there of) I understand there is every reason to believe that your sky-daddy does not exist. But then it really doesn't make a great fairy-story and there is no happily ever after.
I can't beleive a person with an elf as their picture is trying to tell me about fairy tales.
You are militantly ignorant. It is a shame. You do your cause no justice by being stupid and insulting. To say that Theism is believing anything anyone tells you, or the same thing as believing in Santa Clause is to say that some of the greatest minds of all time, and indeed some of the greatest minds living today, are not only incorrect but absolutely stupid. Grow up you child. You're not a whorish looking dark elf, you are a human being, created in the Imago Dei with meaning, not fake decietful meaning, but real meaning which stems from the love of an eternal God, not subject to temporality.
You have no idea what kind of dialouge that I am involved with. Perhaps I was raised an athesit and converted to Catholicism? It is certainly not unbelievable as there are many very intelligent people who have done so. You are a shameful person, and I believe you are one of those who atheism transformed into a worse person. That is not to say that all who are or become atheist become less moral as a result, but I'm sure you were one of them. Shame on you.
There is no such thing as objective meaning or success within a material-only world. You're success is another man's very real failure; it is wholly subjective. Your meaning is ultimately a lie that you beleive so that you do not commit suicide. As they say, the most important question in philosophy is, "should I kill myself?" For a Christian, and many Theists, the answer is simple, no there is a God who loves me and desires me to live and grow, to truly succeed. For an atheist the answer is either yes, or no becuase it is more pleasing at the moment to my material self to believe in a lie that anything I do is actually meaningful, or are you thinking at all? Most likely you are just random atoms banging around producing some illusion that appears to be thought. Ultimately you become some utilitarian epicurean, who can no longer objectively say that there is a Truth, or at least an objectively meaningful Truth. And in this sense Hitler is a hero for those who enjoy Hitler's lie (or the materialist subjective truth).