(September 8, 2008 at 5:16 am)FutureAndAHope Wrote: I know God exists, I also know most attacks on Christianity are baseless. The baslessness of an attack is what anoys me. People who are drawing others away from God by misrepresenting the facts.
I also know that Christianity is the only way for nations and people to live sucessfully; so it anoys me when I see people drawing people away from this.
But it does not anoyme that much, otherwise I would not be on this forumn.
As for arguments for Gods existance. The very fact that we exist, shows it is possible that God exists. God is a rational being, with thoughts feelings, emotions; as we are.
I'm reading this amazing book, It's called Infidel by Ayaan Hirsi Ali. She escapes from her Islamic life in Africa and seeks Asylum in Holland. In her country, Somalia, for a woman to show any bit of skin is a sin. If you wear a short sleeve shirt, you're naked. To show skin is to tempt men, arouse them. And to arouse them would cause men to stop working and being productive. It would bring civilization to it's knees. This is what Islam believes, and many people who are Islamic believe the only way to live is in an Islamic state. When she went to Holland this belief was shattered. Women were half naked on the street and not only was the government working but everything was better. The streets were cleaner, the bus came exactly on time, etc...
You would probably argue that Christianity is different, but honestly it really isn't. Christianity teaches that women are less than man. They are made from man's rib, they tempted man with the apple, the list goes on...
What makes you think your theocracy is better than theirs? Remember, there are people wholeheartedly believe the only way to live is in an Islamic country probably more so than you believe in your theocracy. What makes your Christian theocracy better? Maybe the women don't have to cover themselves up head to toe, but honestly in the fundamental way the bible treats women, I don't see much difference.
"The way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason." Benjamin Franklin
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