I'm sorry, NONE of that carries ANY weight, with me.
We have been educated up to the teeth, in our society, about the reality of impaired driving, stunt driving, or distracted driving.
You are operating two tonnes of speeding metal and glass.
Even at the best of times, terrible accidents can happen,
why would anyone risk, FOR ANY FUCKING REASON, driving under the influence???
I am not prepared to cut any slack whatsoever.
If you're going to let people off the hook for this,
then you may as well dispense with the legal driving age, or legal drinking age, for that matter,
and let kids drive who aren't even tall enough to reach the pedals or see over the dashboard,
because it's no fucking different.
Take accountability.
You know the fucking risks.
You drive drunk, it is the same thing as firing a weapon at random into a crowd.
We have been educated up to the teeth, in our society, about the reality of impaired driving, stunt driving, or distracted driving.
You are operating two tonnes of speeding metal and glass.
Even at the best of times, terrible accidents can happen,
why would anyone risk, FOR ANY FUCKING REASON, driving under the influence???
I am not prepared to cut any slack whatsoever.
If you're going to let people off the hook for this,
then you may as well dispense with the legal driving age, or legal drinking age, for that matter,
and let kids drive who aren't even tall enough to reach the pedals or see over the dashboard,
because it's no fucking different.
Take accountability.
You know the fucking risks.
You drive drunk, it is the same thing as firing a weapon at random into a crowd.