The funniest thing about all of this is that i have posted 7 videos showing and describing WAY beyond what you try to excuse and justify
Firstly that stupid claim you keep trying to make and repeating over and over is way exaggerated, majority of these people didnt even mention the white light tunnel, most of these people where dead WAY longer then 5 minutes, even up to a day and even up to 3 days
Most of these people described phenomena that was beyond just seeing a white light, some visited places in earth, other visited places in another life, some where able to see the thoughts of other people whom they were around when they left the body and walked around earth
Even one guy which i intentionally posted was a neurosurgeon/brain surgeon that said it was impossible FOR HIS BRAIN to have any kind of induced effects because he has a disease that killed him which Specifically attacks the part of the brain which you claim creates dreams/hallucinations/fantasy/imagination
The Russian scientists also a physician also described that it was impossible or this to be the effects of his body and said he was WAY past the point of death while experiencing these things
Also the Russian scientist said that he was able to read the minds of other people in that hospital while he was out of his body, he specifically describes a story where some baby had come into the hospital and was crying heavily, trying to tell the people that its hip was broken, but the doctors examining the baby could not find the cause of its pain, and he communicates with the baby telepathically and tells it that they dont understand it because it cant speak the language yet , and later when he came back to life he visited the baby patient and informed the doctors what was wrong with it to which they confirmed this
So your pathetic attempts to explain this with 5 second phenomena of a person who hasnt even died yet is just silly
That one woman i posted who shot her self she said that she was pas the point of death, she lost her hearing and sight and felt herself die completely, so her also this nonsense you keep trying to make excuses for is WRONG
it doesn't apply to her
so all your attempts to try to explain this away was wrong, and not even ONE of you watched any of the videos because your afraid of what you will hear
your all cowards and your trying to explain things away with irrelevant excuses and information
its really amazing that your so afraid, that you cant even face a video , what cowards and gain your trying to explain things away without bbeing based on ANY of the evidence suggested i.e yo didn't even look at the information
and those explanations you give might apply to a person BEFORE he even dies , but these people were WAY past that point, and their explanation is not even identical
its not like each one of them said "i saw alight of tunnel" and that's it
they describe MUCH and MUCH information which ALL of you have missed because not even ONE of you had the courage and balls to watch the video, cause your cowards that cant even watch a video and yet despite that you dont have the courage to watch it, your trying to desperately and pathetically to explain it with parrot like reflexes of one another
these descriptions are WAY beyond and past what you try to excuses
NOBODY here is talking about a "tunnel of whit light" in fact these people go into MUCH details about what they experienced
and the best part is that they were ALL atheists like yourselves , and really intelligent people with scientific background
so if they dont come to some conclusion as you are suggesting what makes you think your right? you think your smarter then PHD professors in neurosurgery and physicians and doctors?
you think they haven't heard of these phenomena you try to pathetically explain away?
they know the body inside out and they explain what they experienced has nothing to do with bodily functions at death or life
but each one of you dumb-asses here , who dont have even the courage to watch a video, think they know better , and not one of you even has the scientific training that these people have
what miserable ignorant bunch of sour people
you can try to run away and hide your whole life from truth, because that is what you are doing, but truth will never hide away from you
what arrogant ignorant stupid people you lot are
Firstly that stupid claim you keep trying to make and repeating over and over is way exaggerated, majority of these people didnt even mention the white light tunnel, most of these people where dead WAY longer then 5 minutes, even up to a day and even up to 3 days
Most of these people described phenomena that was beyond just seeing a white light, some visited places in earth, other visited places in another life, some where able to see the thoughts of other people whom they were around when they left the body and walked around earth
Even one guy which i intentionally posted was a neurosurgeon/brain surgeon that said it was impossible FOR HIS BRAIN to have any kind of induced effects because he has a disease that killed him which Specifically attacks the part of the brain which you claim creates dreams/hallucinations/fantasy/imagination
The Russian scientists also a physician also described that it was impossible or this to be the effects of his body and said he was WAY past the point of death while experiencing these things
Also the Russian scientist said that he was able to read the minds of other people in that hospital while he was out of his body, he specifically describes a story where some baby had come into the hospital and was crying heavily, trying to tell the people that its hip was broken, but the doctors examining the baby could not find the cause of its pain, and he communicates with the baby telepathically and tells it that they dont understand it because it cant speak the language yet , and later when he came back to life he visited the baby patient and informed the doctors what was wrong with it to which they confirmed this
So your pathetic attempts to explain this with 5 second phenomena of a person who hasnt even died yet is just silly
That one woman i posted who shot her self she said that she was pas the point of death, she lost her hearing and sight and felt herself die completely, so her also this nonsense you keep trying to make excuses for is WRONG
it doesn't apply to her
so all your attempts to try to explain this away was wrong, and not even ONE of you watched any of the videos because your afraid of what you will hear
your all cowards and your trying to explain things away with irrelevant excuses and information
its really amazing that your so afraid, that you cant even face a video , what cowards and gain your trying to explain things away without bbeing based on ANY of the evidence suggested i.e yo didn't even look at the information
and those explanations you give might apply to a person BEFORE he even dies , but these people were WAY past that point, and their explanation is not even identical
its not like each one of them said "i saw alight of tunnel" and that's it
they describe MUCH and MUCH information which ALL of you have missed because not even ONE of you had the courage and balls to watch the video, cause your cowards that cant even watch a video and yet despite that you dont have the courage to watch it, your trying to desperately and pathetically to explain it with parrot like reflexes of one another
these descriptions are WAY beyond and past what you try to excuses
NOBODY here is talking about a "tunnel of whit light" in fact these people go into MUCH details about what they experienced
and the best part is that they were ALL atheists like yourselves , and really intelligent people with scientific background
so if they dont come to some conclusion as you are suggesting what makes you think your right? you think your smarter then PHD professors in neurosurgery and physicians and doctors?
you think they haven't heard of these phenomena you try to pathetically explain away?
they know the body inside out and they explain what they experienced has nothing to do with bodily functions at death or life
but each one of you dumb-asses here , who dont have even the courage to watch a video, think they know better , and not one of you even has the scientific training that these people have
what miserable ignorant bunch of sour people
you can try to run away and hide your whole life from truth, because that is what you are doing, but truth will never hide away from you
what arrogant ignorant stupid people you lot are