I don't know if anyone remembers Tom Lykis. He railed against the recruitment of young people into the military and I think he was right. You look at all the cookie cutter promotions to join you see on TV they make it sound like an adventure, like you are going on a camping trip overseas, or that you will become a James Bond computer tech spy. Nope, once you sign up, your ass is government property, and if they put you in combat, you have no say in the matter.
It isn't that we shouldn't have any military at all, this is an imperfect world, but to glamorize war to mostly desperate youth who only managed to get through high school, or are looking to get a college education, is quite frankly a dirty tactic.
I think if our government wanted to be honest about it, what they should do is vet all the risks up front, and also allow someone to quit at any time, no not go AWOL, but with proper notice so that someone can replace them. If the government is going to put lives at risk then those who do it, should have full disclosure and like any other job, a way out. It would force government to think twice before going to war.
It isn't that we shouldn't have any military at all, this is an imperfect world, but to glamorize war to mostly desperate youth who only managed to get through high school, or are looking to get a college education, is quite frankly a dirty tactic.
I think if our government wanted to be honest about it, what they should do is vet all the risks up front, and also allow someone to quit at any time, no not go AWOL, but with proper notice so that someone can replace them. If the government is going to put lives at risk then those who do it, should have full disclosure and like any other job, a way out. It would force government to think twice before going to war.