(January 29, 2016 at 8:21 am)Brakeman Wrote: http://www.bibleorigins.net/RohlsChronol...ucted.html
Quote:Of interest, in addition to Bryant's above observations about the "incongruities" between Saul and Laba`yu, is a comment made by Professor Clay back in 1919, to the effect that in his day (and the same holds true today), NO INSCRIPTIONS EXISTED ATTESTING TO HEBREW AS A LANGUAGE BEING IN EXISTENCE IN THE 2d MILLENNIUM BCE, he noting that a number of nations were employing Akkadian (Babylonian) cuneiform as a syllabary or writing medium, but that one could detect the local language being represented by this foreign medium. Of special interest here, is that although Clay was well acqainted with the Amarna correspondence, written on clay tablets from mayors of Canaan, including Laba`yu, NO HEBREW LANGUAGE EXISTED!
If Rohl is correct in asserting Saul is Laba`yu, why is Laba`yu writing in a Canaanite dialect and NOT IN HEBREW dialect?
Professor Clay (Emphasis mine):
"There are many Hebrew words in the Amarna letters. Some (aside from the personal names) are found in the Cappadocian and other tablets written in the Babylonian language, BUT NOT A SINGLE TABLET KNOWN TO THE WRITER CAN BE SAID TO BE WRITTEN IN HEBREW IN THE BABYLONIAN SCRIPT OR SYLLABARY. Let us repeat. Other peoples, like the Hittites, Mitannians, and Vannic peoples used the Babylonian syllabary for their languages. This was known throughout Amurru, of which we have much evidence. WHY IS IT THAT NOT A SINGLE TABLET HAS BEEN FOUND AS YET IN PALESTINE, MESOPOTAMIA, OR BABYLONIA WRITTEN IN THE HEBREW LANGUAGE?"
Pesky facts VS magic woowoo god story.
the simple answer?
Only God wrote in "Stone." And, Their are only 2 examples of that.
The Hebrew Scribes were commanded to write on parchment, when relaying God's word.