The honest to god damn truth people pray. "Praying is passive aggressive way of telling god his plan sucks" - Zen Badger i agree with him
We have technology so far advanced than 5 years ago and technology is always changing. So add that into affect technology growth and people
want the new shinier gadget. Here is the thing we already live in a paradise and were always complaining. That's the thing we always want stuff
and we get bored easily. Heaven if it exists would be boring we would fall into the same way of thinking of i want this i want that. Screw the iphone
5s i want the iphone 7s. All i am saying is we live in a paradise in the first world overall this paradise has issues.
We have technology so far advanced than 5 years ago and technology is always changing. So add that into affect technology growth and people
want the new shinier gadget. Here is the thing we already live in a paradise and were always complaining. That's the thing we always want stuff
and we get bored easily. Heaven if it exists would be boring we would fall into the same way of thinking of i want this i want that. Screw the iphone
5s i want the iphone 7s. All i am saying is we live in a paradise in the first world overall this paradise has issues.
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