(February 2, 2016 at 10:04 am)robvalue Wrote: The empty tomb is easily explainable. They never would have put him a tomb in the first place. They'd have thrown him in a ditch after they were done killing a god.
Questions for you (with answers since you don't know them):
- Do you have any historical evidence that indicates this was what was done with the body of Jesus? (NO.)
- What did the Jewish leaders claim had happened to the body? (THAT IT WAS STOLEN BY THE DISCIPLES - NOT EATEN BY DOGS.)
- And even if Jesus' body WAS thrown into a ditch and eaten by dogs or birds, how does this account for the appearances of Jesus as well as the conversions of many who were skeptical or even opposed to him BEFORE his death? (IT CANNOT ACCOUNT FOR THESE THINGS.)
Your silly belief is an inadequate explanation of all of the information that is known about Jesus and the rise of the early Church. It lacks explanatory depth and scope.