RE: do you worry about if anything bad would happen if christianity died?
February 12, 2016 at 7:51 pm
(February 12, 2016 at 11:07 am)Rextos Wrote: but at the same time i feel like if christianity was completely gone, then it would be like "every man for himself" and all those christian charities and missions that help people in 3rd world countries and even homeless in the US would be shut down and people would be a lot meaner cus everyone would believe in "survival of the fittest"
Many people calling themselves christians already live survival of the fittest and don't give a shit about the homeless or the poor. Especially conservative politicians. The more to the right, the more despicable.
Would something bad happpen if christianity died? Hell, yes. The void would be filled by some new religion, some new ideology. An unknown quantity. And given human nature, it won't be pretty.