Yeah, that one came across my local tv station's website this morning and landed on Facebook.
So dear old mom didn't know the kid had a gun in the apartment. These days parents are terrified of going through their teenagers' rooms because someone will call CPS and say mom was violating the child's privacy. So now we have a generation of little brats who think they are entitled to not only their complete and total privacy of their room (in a home their parent pays for), but that they can be a sass-mouth, disrespectful little shit who can threaten a parent with abuse the moment the parent doesn't tow the line set by the kid.
My kids have privacy - to a point. I will not allow them to get on Minecraft servers if I am not here. They have to stay on the computer in the kitchen, in full view of everyone so when I walk in the room, I can see exactly what they are doing. I never go through their things unless there is a valid reason for it. My oldest step son stole money out of his mother's purse. As a result, when he comes here, he has to earn my trust. He got privileges yanked and has to show me everything that he brings over from his mother's house. When he's here, my purse and wallet are hidden in my room and my bedroom door stays shut. We have 2 hunting rifles here, but we keep all ammunition at a friends house ten miles away. The only time those guns come out of the cabinet is when we actually go hunting to feed the family. They are locked with individual safety locks we got for free from the State police, and then locked in the gun cabinet, which is in our bedroom.
We monitor our kids very closely. We aren't perfect, but the kids know where our boundaries are and they do not ever try to cross that line.
So dear old mom didn't know the kid had a gun in the apartment. These days parents are terrified of going through their teenagers' rooms because someone will call CPS and say mom was violating the child's privacy. So now we have a generation of little brats who think they are entitled to not only their complete and total privacy of their room (in a home their parent pays for), but that they can be a sass-mouth, disrespectful little shit who can threaten a parent with abuse the moment the parent doesn't tow the line set by the kid.
My kids have privacy - to a point. I will not allow them to get on Minecraft servers if I am not here. They have to stay on the computer in the kitchen, in full view of everyone so when I walk in the room, I can see exactly what they are doing. I never go through their things unless there is a valid reason for it. My oldest step son stole money out of his mother's purse. As a result, when he comes here, he has to earn my trust. He got privileges yanked and has to show me everything that he brings over from his mother's house. When he's here, my purse and wallet are hidden in my room and my bedroom door stays shut. We have 2 hunting rifles here, but we keep all ammunition at a friends house ten miles away. The only time those guns come out of the cabinet is when we actually go hunting to feed the family. They are locked with individual safety locks we got for free from the State police, and then locked in the gun cabinet, which is in our bedroom.
We monitor our kids very closely. We aren't perfect, but the kids know where our boundaries are and they do not ever try to cross that line.
Disclaimer: I am only responsible for what I say, not what you choose to understand.