The mandates were the cost of getting the insurance industry to sign on. Insurance only works if you have a large enough "pool" to finance the people who actually use it. Just as no auto insurance company could survive by only insuring bad drivers no health insurance company can survive by only insuring sick people. If you don't require people to join before they get sick the model does not work.
BTW, the idea for the individual mandates arose in 1993 in a bill put forward by republican senator, John Chafee. And, most famously, when Romney introduced Romneycare in Massachusetts it included those same individual mandates.
In fact, the republicunts didn't get upset about individual mandates until that black, socialist, muslim, Kenyan put them in his plan. Then all of sudden they became radioactive.
I wonder why that was?
BTW, the idea for the individual mandates arose in 1993 in a bill put forward by republican senator, John Chafee. And, most famously, when Romney introduced Romneycare in Massachusetts it included those same individual mandates.
In fact, the republicunts didn't get upset about individual mandates until that black, socialist, muslim, Kenyan put them in his plan. Then all of sudden they became radioactive.
I wonder why that was?