Quote:What gets me is that people flock to this destination like they have free hookers. Roughly FIVE MILLION people visit this "shrine" every year! Many of them looking for a cure! But look at the odds! There have been 67 "confirmed" cases of a "miracle cure" at Lourdes. Approximately 200 MILLION people have been dipped in the "healing" waters. This is a success rate of .0000335%, or roughly one in THREE MILLION! You have better odds of hitting the jackpot on a scratch-off ticket!
Imagine that you have some disease and the doctor offers a treatment option. He tells you that you must fly to France to receive this treatment, which will cost thousands of dollars for airfare, hotel, food, etc... but the treatment itself is free and painless! Sounds good, right? Then you ask the doctor about the success rate of this treatment. He tells you about one person in three million receives a complete cure.
Would you even bother to go get this treatment? Your odds of dying in a plane crash or auto accident on the way to (or from) the treatment facility are much greater than the odds that the treatment will work. Not to mention, with one chance in 3 million, how do they know it is the TREATMENT that is the cure?
And yet, the deluded dimbulbs flock by the thousands. Must be nice to be a hotel owner there.
Haven't you read their Bible - it very clearly says that all you need is true faith. AND CLEARLY only .000035% of pilgriming christians have "TRUE" faith.
And of course when that poor little girl doesn't get her cure and everntually dies because her parents are brainwashed morons - they'll simply say, "We can't pretend to know what god's plan is" and than sing a song and go about their daily lives of judging others and acting sanctimonious on Sundays.
Christianity is a disease. They all are.