Dear Nature,
Thank you so much for giving me life. Thank you for showing me miracles and beauty that no poetry can match. The birds that sing such beautiful songs each morning, the sun that gives me warmth and paints the sky with such amazing colors. The trees that give me oxygen and provide me with shelter. The plants that provide me with nutrients. The moon and stars that keep me an awe. The ocean so i can bathe in your existence. You have shown me death to bring intensity to my life, and that is most appreciated.
Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you so much for giving me life. Thank you for showing me miracles and beauty that no poetry can match. The birds that sing such beautiful songs each morning, the sun that gives me warmth and paints the sky with such amazing colors. The trees that give me oxygen and provide me with shelter. The plants that provide me with nutrients. The moon and stars that keep me an awe. The ocean so i can bathe in your existence. You have shown me death to bring intensity to my life, and that is most appreciated.
Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.