All religions get started the same way. The person, or group get's tired of the old ways, they take the motifs of surrounding and or prior clubs, promote similar ideas with different details, and demonize the old ways at the same time. When enough of that majority gets upset at the new upstart, they play the persecuted minority. Everyone loves an underdog story who goes on to be victorious.
Buddhism got started as a rejection of the Hinduism it was spawned from. The first Hebrews started that as rejection of the Canaanite polytheism that spawned it. Christianity incorporated the OT of the Jews to market their new religion, but still today sell the idea that only Jesus can be the one true hero. Islam is simply the third book in the series.
Religions don't pop up out of a vacuum. The start the same way, and only are successful, not because the religion is unique that has a patent on our species morality, they simply get successfully marketed, like Coke and Pepsi compete.
Buddhism got started as a rejection of the Hinduism it was spawned from. The first Hebrews started that as rejection of the Canaanite polytheism that spawned it. Christianity incorporated the OT of the Jews to market their new religion, but still today sell the idea that only Jesus can be the one true hero. Islam is simply the third book in the series.
Religions don't pop up out of a vacuum. The start the same way, and only are successful, not because the religion is unique that has a patent on our species morality, they simply get successfully marketed, like Coke and Pepsi compete.