"Some women say they'll be uncomfortable with transgenders using their bathroom!"
Bull-fucking-shit. They SAY they'll be uncomfortable. But the fact is they've used public bathrooms where a trans person might have come in all the damn time. It's not a serious problem in states where they already allow transgender people to use the restroom where they identify. You don't hear stories of women being terrified of using the restroom in those states.
You never gave this a LICK of thought before trans-rights became an issue. You never gave this ONE IOTA of your attention that a man could dress up like a woman to walk in and peep on women using the bathroom in the past. So get the fuck out of here with that. You're not worried about that at all. You're just using it to justify your dislike for transpeople. It's what you always do. Your go to "Think of the children!" Maybe if you'd raised your children right, and not sheltered them from the fact that people are different and that it's okay to be different, your children wouldn't be such wusses. And if your parents had raised your ight, you wouldn't be either.
Bull-fucking-shit. They SAY they'll be uncomfortable. But the fact is they've used public bathrooms where a trans person might have come in all the damn time. It's not a serious problem in states where they already allow transgender people to use the restroom where they identify. You don't hear stories of women being terrified of using the restroom in those states.
You never gave this a LICK of thought before trans-rights became an issue. You never gave this ONE IOTA of your attention that a man could dress up like a woman to walk in and peep on women using the bathroom in the past. So get the fuck out of here with that. You're not worried about that at all. You're just using it to justify your dislike for transpeople. It's what you always do. Your go to "Think of the children!" Maybe if you'd raised your children right, and not sheltered them from the fact that people are different and that it's okay to be different, your children wouldn't be such wusses. And if your parents had raised your ight, you wouldn't be either.