She stored government secrets on a private server in a basement. She was siphoning government e-mails from a secure goverment network to her private server. Some of the e-mails contain information so secret it's part of the Special Access Program and some of the stuff in the e-mails is so secret the FBI investigators couldn't look at it themselves and had to have the content explained to them.
The sever was unencrypted for three whole months. And we know it got hacked into. Hilary herself, the State Department report says, was worried her server had been compromised. Surely that makes Hilary a criminal? Why do so many otherwise decent, reasonable, people put their fingers in their ears and make the "la-la" sound when he comes to Hilary Clinton? Why do they make an exception for her?
The sever was unencrypted for three whole months. And we know it got hacked into. Hilary herself, the State Department report says, was worried her server had been compromised. Surely that makes Hilary a criminal? Why do so many otherwise decent, reasonable, people put their fingers in their ears and make the "la-la" sound when he comes to Hilary Clinton? Why do they make an exception for her?