(June 11, 2016 at 8:27 am)MrNoMorePropaganda Wrote: You can't have a sensible discussion with Hilary supporters. They're too brainwashed. Even ifHilary shot somebody on 5th Avenue in New York they'd still vote for her -like how Trump said people would support him even if he shot somebody on 5th Avenue.
No, nobody is worshiping her blindly. It is simply bullshit to claim anything she "might" have done, especially since no charges have been filed, as even coming close to the crimes Bush and Cheney have gotten away with.
The feds are not all democrats. I think you are being stupid about the role of OUR government in investigating ANY politician. There is a bigger picture going on as far as civility. I'd love for Bush and Cheney to be put on trial because that is a much bigger smoking gun. But, civil unrest and more domestic violence or attempts at a revolution are why they are not being charged.
But to claim if something Hillary did doesn't get prosecuted does not mean our government has never or will not bust politicians is fucking bullshit. I was around when Nixon got caught. I was around when Reagan got away with Iran Contra. And of course Bush lied his way into Iraq. But democratic politicians have bee busted in that time as well.
My only point is "I will believe it when I see it". And as of now, I simply don't see it happening. Nobody is saying you have to like it.
You are still trying to compare at best what would be jaywalking to what Bush did which was far more destructive and cost far more military and civilian lives.