Everything else is ignored. Even the fundies will ignore most of the bible, but they will pay close attention to things that affirm their hatreds and loves.
Everything else is ignored.
"Thou shalt not kill"?
Fundy - Wrong! It was misinterpreted. It is "thou shalt murder"
Why, you would ask? Because you cant have an imperialistic army going from country to country with "thou shalt not kill". Killing is ver acceptable to the fundy as long as it doesnt affect what the fundy loves. Killing is what we do to our inmates. God isnt against the death penalty, so it was obviously thou shalt not "murder". Besides, it allows killing to be negotiable. By calling it murder, you can kill as long as your paperwork is in order.
The book of Jeremiah condemning the use of Christmas trees, even going into great detail of what a Christmas tree is, and that only Heathens follow such a practice..is meant to be ignored, and discussed to the point that it is buried under a sea of words.
So..Christmas trees = good
killing = good
murder = bad
gays = bad
bisexual women = hot as hell!!!
Everything else is ignored.
"Thou shalt not kill"?
Fundy - Wrong! It was misinterpreted. It is "thou shalt murder"
Why, you would ask? Because you cant have an imperialistic army going from country to country with "thou shalt not kill". Killing is ver acceptable to the fundy as long as it doesnt affect what the fundy loves. Killing is what we do to our inmates. God isnt against the death penalty, so it was obviously thou shalt not "murder". Besides, it allows killing to be negotiable. By calling it murder, you can kill as long as your paperwork is in order.
The book of Jeremiah condemning the use of Christmas trees, even going into great detail of what a Christmas tree is, and that only Heathens follow such a practice..is meant to be ignored, and discussed to the point that it is buried under a sea of words.
So..Christmas trees = good
killing = good
murder = bad
gays = bad
bisexual women = hot as hell!!!