Hey everybody, I'm new here and have a situation. I've recently become an atheist after months of study/questioning/etc. Ultimately I've come to the conclusion that there is no supreme being and that evolution is the most logical theory. I come from a background of being a fundamentalist Christian (attending an "anti" Church of Christ) for 15 years. I was baptised at age 9 and have been heavily involved in religion and whatnot until around the first of this year, when I began to study atheism and such things to help my fiance's little brother become faithful. The end result was myself becoming an atheist lol. Anyway, my fiance is still a fundamentalist christian attending the church of christ that we have went to for the last 7 years. She's very much indocrinated into their beliefs, as was I. I cannot seem to break her grasp on religion free. She continually dismisses my arguments and claims that atheist are immoral evil people, in addition to a lot of other "standard" claims that christians make about god and salvation and other garbage. We've been together for 7 years, and have been engaged for 3 of that. I love her with all my heart and would do anything in the world for her, so ending the relationship over some lies told by a suspicious desert people thousands of years ago seems absolutely stupid. The problem is that it's causing strain on our relationship, mostly in that I do not wish to help her convert her little brother, or anyone else, to christianity. Nor do I see sense in praying and doing the other activities a christian is supposed to do. I still go to church with her to appease her, but I would much rather her come to her senses and embrace the truth of atheism. Does anyone have any advice on how to deal with this?
Thanks a lot
Thanks a lot