This is huge, but most in the list are well worth it.
The proposition was to take a known movie, take out a letter from the title and come up with a plot for that new title:
(a few don't seem to follow the rule
A loveable inner city police officer teaches rough, and tough criminals the magic of music through his oboe.
ill bill
a man diagnosed with terminal cancer is being hunted down by his killer wife because she thinks he killed their son
Forest gum.
A not so intelligent guy is lost in the woods and invents the chewing gum while there.
American Pi.
How the famous constant got defined to be exactly 3.
The Good, the Ad and the Ugly
A marketing brand strategist finds out that showing ugly testimonials increases brand awareness by 200% and gets hunted down to death by pretty models and actors
a love story between a girl named Lien (played by Ripley Scott) and her pet Nostromo (played by a xenomorph called Giger)
A group of brain hackers try to manipulate the thoughts of people, but does everything wrong.
The Dark Night.
A twenty oscar masterpiece, showing a black screen without any sound for two hours.
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Net
A tiny bird tries to escape from her relationship to a psychopath cuckoo
The Cunt of Monte Cristo
A young man, falsely imprisoned, escapes and exacts revenge on revenge on those responsible for his imprisonment. By being a cunt to them.
The Usual Suspect
A black guy gets suspected of crime.
The bridge to teabithia
even more british than the orginal but the girl still dies
"American History "
It's just a "documentation"
Jurassic Ark
A man builds a boat to save dinosaurs
Leo: The Professional
A documentary about young Leo DiCaprio who decides to become a world famous actor.
Once Upon a Time in the Wet
A biopic about young porn actress Sasha Grey.
A Sci-Fi version of the theater play 'A Streetcar names Desire'
extreme fetish sex flick. Not for the faint of heart.
Star war
Fight to the death between Kim K., Rihanna, Tom Cruise and Bono
Back to
They travel in time
Ree willy
William, the son of a NY doctor meets Aisha, a member of ISIS
A true story
Apocalypse No
A young christian evangelist is waiting for the apocalypse that seems never to come.
Tim Curry strangely arouses me for 2 hours.
Finding Emo
A emotionally unstable fish searches for people who would tolerate it
A group of women goes out to a picnic, but forgot their clothes.
Sand nig
a greek gym teacher goes to the mountain range to meet with his persian friends where they talk about Hellenic history for 30 minutes
A Cockwork Orange
A man volunteers for work on his cock.. pretty self explanitory...
Lord of the RNGs
A group of friends get together for a dungeons and dragons session of epic proportions.
Rapes of Wraith
Based on a book, a serial rapist escapes prison and rapes his way to California
Oy Story
A group of Jews in a concentration camp find love. Hijinks ensue
Limp - the Hindenburg story
members of the now defunct band make a documentary about the connection between a town called Hindenburg and their unfulfilled dreams about breaking stuff. Starring Fred Durst
Unset Boulevard
In the 1930ies the Mayor of L.A. tries to finish the construction of a boulevard, faces the mob and tries to save his love interest.
Al Pacino and Robert Deniro dine at LAs best hole in wall diners and have amazing conversations.
The Las Stand
an action flick about a family reunion in Scotland
Snakes on a lane
Some snakes on a airport lane prevant a jumbo from starting and keeps the passengers frightened
A critically acclaimed movie that gave start to the career of a legendary movie star. It's actually just some footage a rock.
Onan the Destroyer
A man destroys himself with masturbation
A heart-warming tale where Al pacino learns to live with disfigurement caused by being run over by his own car. Anton Yelchin co-stars.
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bob
A gay doctor quits his job to start a sex relationship with Bob, the builder of the first nuclear bomb.
Iron Ma
A very young Tony Stark talks about his mother and her favorite Iron
Citizen Ane
A female capitalist and tycoon ger screwed by McCarthy over her communist behavior in the 50ies.
A couple of fat ugly feminist bitches destroy the popular host franchize which they parasite upon
A young straight boy visits a fortune teller machine and becomes an older bisexual man
Ave Man
Ringo Star, Barbara Bach, Stan Matuszak, and more in a heartwarming story of an inept ornithologist who attempts to win the love of his rival's wife.
A slut gets obsessed with EDM and rave parties.
A guy wants to become a fighting character from the Street Fighter game
Amy of Darkness
A young girl becomes a demon and kills everybody arround.
Ed Dwarf
The story of a very short man named Ed and his wacky robots on a farm in outer space. Peter Dinklage does his best Bruce Dern
Taxi River
Meet Travis Bickle, a young NYC taxi driver who finds out that taxi drivers have their own secret spot at the Hudson river to party and forget the stress of the working days.
Ape Fear ...
Some dumb kid climbs into a gorilla enclosure at the zoo, gorilla gets shot
Breaking Ad
100 years in the future a large corporations has taken over the world by mind controlling Ads, it's up to one man and his tin foil hat to save the world or buy trying.
Requiem or a Dream
A young drug addict does not know if yesterday's happening really happened or were just a dream.
28 days late
A zombie and his girlfriend mull over the consequences of becoming parents
Ad Max
A story about internet in an apocalyptic future after a nuclear catastrophe
Loud Atlas
People find a book that screams a lot
Mel Gibson directs the epic tale of a young neckbeard and his quest to the rainforest to find a cure for his legendary acne ..
Rain Spotting
A romantic comedy about a british drug addict and his love for counting rain drops.
2 Years a Slave
It's basically the same as 12 Years a Slave, but only 22 minutes long
The Hobbi
Bilbo and friends discover the other fun things to do besides going near dragons
Men in Lack
A couple of secret agents search for something
The Dark Night
No superheroes, just a really dark night.
Eternal Sunshine of the Potless Mind
Two lovers lose their mind because they ran out of weed and acid.
The Unger Games
The same as the Hunger games, but in Hungarian
A 2 hour conversation between Robin Williams and the Librarian from Discworld
Pirate of the Caribbean
A recently divorced Jack Sparrow played by Johnny Depp searches for an island that will accept him and his stupid dogs
The Huger Games
Sequel to HG with 256 tributes
12 years a Slav
where a man ruins his health by squatting and drinking cheap vodka for 12 years
Guardians o the galaxy
Comic book movie with an all-Irish cast.
Hi man.
A genetically engineered asassin decides to go rogue and just greet people in friendly way
End of Wath
The tragic story of a dyslexic hearing-impaired cop's untimely death
Monty Python and the Holy Rail
King Arthur invents a new machine called 'train' and build a rail system throughout his kingdom
200: a space odyssey
The remaining spartan army, led by king Leonidas fly out to space on a monolith
Her but gay
Danny Trejo has an affair with a mexican flower pot (maceta)
Of Ice and Men
2 vagrants running around California looking to feed their meth addiction.
Plane of the Apes
Genetically modified apes hijack a plane on the date of September 11, 2001.
Gran Torno
An aging Clint Eastwood finds out that there's some fucked up pornography on the deep web
Tor: The Dark World
The sequel to Gran Torno
Snakes on a plan
They spend the movie plotting shit
Some Like It Ho
A young law student tries to convince his femnazi girlfriend that some girls like to be whores.
Cool Hand Uke
A prisoner fights the system using ukulele music
Harry Otter
A sea going mammal gets invited to a very special school....
A ClockWok Orange
A mechanical Wok searches for one of his oranges
30 Spartans March into war vastly outnumbered and lose terribly.
Demolition Ma
Your mom comes over to visit and fucks your world sideways
Homewar Bound
Two dogs and a cat must prepare for a war within the confines of their household
Zack and MIR Make a Porno.
A broke guy and his close friend the russian space station try to pay bills, but discover, despite his raging homosexuality and enormous anus, that he just can't fit a space station in his ass.
Jurassic Ark
Noah finally remembers to put dinosaurs on his ship
Mad Max: Fury Rod
The porn parody of the actual movie
Op Gun
A film where op shoots herself
Si City
Same as Sin City but poorly overdubbed in Spanish
Aging Bull
An aging boxer getting weaker and weaker and has more problems beating his wife.
God's not Dad
A mother has to explain to her children through various means that just because he can do things around the house, does not make their father the almighty
Epic battle of 30 faggot being raped by the Persians
Jarrasic Par
A man builds a golf course on an island where her set loose a bunch of dinosaur clones
Reservoir Dog
24 years later, Mr. Pink is finally being released from jail to paint the town red
The Hunchback of Notre Dam
An ugly man is castaway to live his life by a dam.
City of Go.
Ragamuffins in urban Japan get addicted to stupid board game.
A pirate must land a stricken aircraft. Much hilarity and swashbuckling ensues
Source Cod
Jake Gyllenhaal in the role he was born to play, that fish-eyed motherfucker
Defese Force
One guy makes a tank, while the other is testing it, having many problems with the WAM, and a crazy guy tries to kill the inventor.
A group of Californian potheads genetically modify various species to create a living house
the own fall
Hitler falls down the stairs and dies. Goebbles needs to hide the secret fucks everything up.
Rise of the Planet of the Ape
The Obama election story
In a post apocalyptic future, humans have taken to a new cruel sport. One cute pupper must survive the arena.
A 64 year old man begins to lose his eyesight.
Pup Fiction
Puppy hitmen.
Pin and Gain
Dwayne Johnson takes steroids
Fight Cub
A bear meets a strange soap salesmen who enslaves him, and he is forced into an underground fighting ring.
A man gets his car towed away in chinatown and goes crazy.
Jason Statham is an expert and pointing out which women have penises
The dukes of Hazzar
The Arabic like nation of Hazzar needs a new ruler but all the candidates turn out to be rednecks.
a man tries to shut down the german tv station ARD and kills everyone stepping in his way.
Falling Dow
Michael Douglas goes berserk with a baseball bat on Wall Street after a market crash.
The AST Samurai
Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST) in the form of a samurai played by Tom Cruise fight for liberation of their japanese home, the Liver
Fears and Oathing in Las Vegas
Some guys eat oats while being scared of all them lights in Vegas
12 Angry Me
A man with multiple personality disorder consults with 12 of his personalities to solve a murder in the jury chambers.
>twist, he's the one on trial
Good ill Hunting
Two sick huntersmen die in the woods fighting psychopath rednecks and their heart illness
Finding Neo
Morpheus goes on a journey under the sea to ask fish which pill they would take
Saving Private Ran.
Tom Hanks and a team of marines on Omaha beach are sent to bring Jason Bourne back from the front lines but he keeps running away.
The Elephant Ma
A fat black mum tries to save her son who is being bullied by a street gang in Inglewood
Return of the Jed
The force is no match for beer-fueled redneck in space. The Sith would have welcomed him, but he keeps calling them 'thithies', and drooling tobacco juice on the carpet.
50 Shads of Grey
A fisherman called Grey has to catch the biggest fish he can find only using 50 Shads in order to win in a competition
The 4 year old virgin
A Muslim girl is on a quest to lose her virginity at the hands of her father named Muhammed
Al Pacino////Robert De Niro
A cop, a thief and $2000 worth of headware
Dad Poets Society
a couple of suburban dads gather to make porn haikus
Dude, where is my AR ?!
The hearthcrushing story of a school shooter looking for his m16
Master director Martin Scorsese depicts the sloping depth of a casino mafia boss becoming the CEO of a big Japanese company and having his problems in the land of the rising sun. Filmed in a semi-documentary fashion; about the life in Tokyo and its dark Yakuza culture.
Story of apocalyptic space cult on a mission to destroy the sun on behalf of their dark gods.
ill bill
A heartwarming story of a boy and his father bill who has terminal cancer
It's like Bruce Almighty, but with multiple god people.
Casino Royal
The Queen of England converts Buckingham Palace into a casino. A game of poker determines who will be the heir to the throne.
The shawhank Redemption
Hank Hill is on a mission to redeem propane and propane accessories
Go zilla
A guy named zilla goes around in a thread saying something about movies while others yell "go"
Prates if the Caribbean
Jack Sparrow goes on endlessly of his swashbuckling, just won't stop talking.
The Empire Trikes Back
After the humiliating defeat and destruction of the death star a rag tag bunch of stormtroopers lead by Darth vader ride three wheelers all the way home.
2 hours
A regular clock is shown going about its normal business for 2 hours.
NowWhite and the 7 dwarves
A story about Michael Jackson and a sleepover party
0 First Dates
Drew Barrymore developes a brain injury where she doesn't remember getting raped by the same tourist every day.
Oman Holiday
Princess sneaks out of her palace and is beheaded by a journalist for being outside at night and not being accompanied by her husband or another man in public
No Country For Old Me
A decrepit old refugee is struggling to find a welcoming home but keeps being turned away
Altered Tates
Mad scientist inflicts bizarre gene modifications only on people named Tate.
The Bi Lebowski:
A lot of "ins" a lot of "outs"a lot of "what have yous"...
V or vendetta
A virgin neckbeards goes after the girl that friendzoned him with the purpose of getting in her Vagina.
A Beautiful In D
A beautiful girl wants to loose her virginity to the captain of football team but ends up in a gangbang at the nerds party cellar.
Schindler's lit
This one is about smoking weed during ww2
Itch Perfect
>cause that vag won't scratch itself
And its sequel, Itch Black
Riders of the Lost Ark
Indiana Jones straddles the ark while wearing his trademark cowboy hat as his young, supple sidekick Short Round waits for his turn
Planet of The Aps.
It's hundreds of years in the future. Smart phone apps rule the earth and keep humans as their zombified slaves. Not really that different from today actually.
War of the Words
Social Justice Warriors have united to censor almost everything in media that can trigger them, find out how faggots from 4chan caused mass suicides
Tar Trek
A band of kids has to walk through a field of tar to retrieve their soccer ball
The Chin Syndrome
The Chinese invade the USA and change everyone's last name.
Indiana Jones and the temple of doo
This time the adventurous archeologist teams up with everyone's favorite mystery solving dog to discover that dark secret of scooby's heritage.
Little ISS sunshine
A smaller international space station is built on the fucking sun
Assassins reed
A man is sent through the Animus in order to find out the location of his ancestors legendary clarenet
Dial M or Murder
A psychpath terrorizes a small town with telephone pranks.
Pearl Arbor
Japanese whalers find tree shaped pearl while hunting. America bombs them to gain possession.
Ito the wild
A native american boy names Ito goes crazy after his family looses their casiono.
War raft The Beginning
A documentary exploring the invention of the raft and it's exploit during wwII.
The Bi Lebowski
a quadriplegic billionaire and an aging unemployed junkie meet up for a threesome with a white Yoko Ono. wacky hijinx ensue.
Tar Trek
follow the adventures of James T. Kirk in his quest for the perfect high
The Sith Sense
A sith boy terrorizes a shrink who lost his wife and tries to convince him that he sees death people.
PokéMom 4Ever - Celeb: Voice of the Forest
Ash Ketchum strives to collect all his mothers in his pocket while running away from paparazzi into the forest made of american celebrities
Fight Cub
A bunch of niggers beat the fuck out of a bear cub only to turn around to see the momma bear coming
the bi lebowski
the dude copes with his bowling tournament and changing sexuality
a beach bum poses as a psychic detective. murders women in the shower on the side.
The Black Hoe
Scientists discover terror on a mission to remove weeds from crops
Lien versus predator
A pedophile fights to restore a confiscated box containing his cp collection.
Pup fiction
A film with multiple storylines in no chronological order where the loud, black dog craves a foot massage and some meat.
Here Will Be Blood
A torture porn flick about a butcher kidnapping and killing politicians.
The lion kin
A group of soldiers have sex with a lion and talk about that for an hour and 20' while Furies are protesting outside the tavern
In of Celestial Birds
God shoves heavenly avians in his disemboweled abdomen.
Si city
A documentary about the future of America if Donald Trump doesn't become president.
Independence Ay
a Canadian love story
The Even Horizon
A group of high as fuck people try to make their spaceship even with the horizon all while tripping they went to hell
Sand by Me
The film tells the story of a group of 10-year-old friends out on their own and the trials and tribulation they are confronted with along the journey of building their own beach club in the middle of Wisconsin.
'Merican Psycho
Billy Bob hides something more than his relationship with his little sister.
Pace Jam
Michael Jordan dies after the Looney Tunes push him too hard to play basketball with his new pacemaker while battling aliens.
In a dystopian future Donald Trump builds a wall around the United States, little did he know the problem was underneath them the whole time...
Harry Otter and The Sorceress Stone
An otter named Harry sets out on an adventure to recover his long lost stone.
The Grand Budapest Motel
The sequel to torture porn 'Hostel' starting the a Motel franchise.
Paper Mon
A Jamaican is looking for paper to roll his blunts with
Fern Gull
Animated fairies and forest friends, and a lone seagull addicted to ferns, try to save the rainforest from developers
The Rapes of Wrath
Documentary about the Syrian refugees
Coal Runnings
Black guys start a bobsled team.
Star Was: A New Hope
A documentary about the death of a star, and the birth of a white dwarf.
The Paper Case
Lawyers discover a way to make origami finger boxes
Schindlers lisp
A bunch of Jews die because no one can understand Schindlers reading of a pardoning list.
White Hat
some dude finds a hat that turns anyone who wears it into a white person...
Lade: trinity
Third porn movie from the trilogy by a dyslexic director
Some Like it Ho
>nuff said
Try Hard
The story of the end of this thread
Black Unday
>damn Chipotle got me again
Groundhog Bay
A comedy about an egocentric and sinister fisher man with a bad case of Deja-Vu. His fishing trips repeats constantly before he meets the shark and groundhog who are causing this time leap.
In an alternate reality, Hitler comes back from the dead and makes his way to Israel
Bing John Malkovich
A man discovers he can google celebrities using Microsoft product
The kids are alight
A story about a children's orphanage going up in flames
Hunger Games: Mockingay
When food supplies run short due to a warped reality where women can win competitions gays are turned away from food banks and told to eat a dick if they like them so much
Motel employees arrested for scandalous acts.
Rear Widow
Alfred Hitchcock's unknown anal porn movie
Ground Ho Day
The tragic tale of a prostirute with a cheese grater fetish
Gone in 6 seconds.
A movie about wall street bankers.
Aranormal Activity
A movie about a day in the life of a Parrot
Eddie the Beagle
A dog tries to become the first olympic ski jumper.
Pa's Labyrinth
Little girl invents an extravagant fantasy to escape to mentally while being sexually molested by her Pa in his basement. Starring Daisy of Daisy's Destruction
Dawn of the Planet of the Ape
>a scathing documentary on how President Obama came into office
The temple of dom
It's a porno.
The Andromeda Stain
A mysterious alien substance stains a small town in the desert of Arizona and the government calls in an elite team to clean up the mess.
White Hose Down
Johnny Wadds life story
Star Wars: The Fore Awakens
Kylo Ren desperately tries to reach the same foreskin size as Darth Vader.
The Fat and the Furious
A bunch of feminists get pissed off
Am Legend.
A child with down syndrome stumbles onto news set and thinks interviewers are talking to him. Screams "AM LEGEND!!" At camera for 5 minutes before anyone thinks to get rid of him
Peeing Tom
Tom has a habit of urinating on the homeless in his city
The Hurt Looker
The story of a 25 year old loser who is obsessed with gore videos. When he runs out of OC material he starts to create his own videos.
The Hut Locker
Story of a man raped in an insecure hut as a child obsessed with hut security later in life
Captain 'Merica.
Larry the cable guy as Captain America.
Due to excessive anime consumption, Rapunzel tries to grow her hair into the weeb universum
A guy who is Adam Sandler spends the majority of his life getting promotions by lickin his boss's balls.
you must be a gay shark
Itch Black
Vin Diesel gets special eye implants so he can tell the difference between the niggers whose dicks he craves.
The Princess ride
a Brazzers fantasy story
The post apocalyptic remains of Europe after the Brexit
Arm of Darkness
It's about a white guy that wakes up with a nigger arm
A Beautiful Mint
A young guy invents the first mint drop and gets murdered by a big candy corporation.
Buffy the Vampire Layer
probably already a porno
John ick
After a retired hitman gets beat up by the eunuch from game of thrones, he decides to kill them making the common cold deadly
Beauty and the East
A disney qt goes to asia
Splendor in the Gass
a roll with Kim Kardashian after tacos
Plant of the Apes
A Documentary about black peoples addiction to weed and how it dominates their culture
It's a Bane spinoff, about a big-ish guy (for you)
There Will be Bloo
a biopic on Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends
White Hicks
the Wayne's brothers go undercover as KKK members.
Land of the dad
In the zombie apocalypse only one place is a safe haven...dadville.
It's about people who work in a lab and have to sort blood by type, it's really boring
12 Years a Slav
basically the same as the actual film
Forrest Dump
A slowminded redneck abused the forest of his home town Greenbow and makes it the dump for all garbage of the neighborhood. Later on he gets show by Lee Oswald.
Bad oys
2 jewish cops take dowb the mob, by being part of a global conspiracy to make niggers fuck white women
Bridge of Pies
In the shadow of war, one man showed the world what we stood for, and built a bridge of pies.
The G_dfather
A Jewish-American family's plot to steal as much money as possible
Ron legacy
The story of ron, and his children who play with lasers too much
Jango Unchained
Infamous bounty hunter is unleashed into an arena to battle for fame and fortune.
gets shanked by a nigger ironically
Let behind
She finally agrees to anal
Men in back
The sequel
It's about an aspiring singer who just starts to sing, as she is offered no cues.
Danes with Wolfes
A bestially porn with Claire Danes
Men Girls
Lindsay Lohan reveals her and her friends are actually traps
Crocodile Undee
It's about a dude who wears crocodile boxers
The proposition was to take a known movie, take out a letter from the title and come up with a plot for that new title:
(a few don't seem to follow the rule

A loveable inner city police officer teaches rough, and tough criminals the magic of music through his oboe.
ill bill
a man diagnosed with terminal cancer is being hunted down by his killer wife because she thinks he killed their son
Forest gum.
A not so intelligent guy is lost in the woods and invents the chewing gum while there.
American Pi.
How the famous constant got defined to be exactly 3.
The Good, the Ad and the Ugly
A marketing brand strategist finds out that showing ugly testimonials increases brand awareness by 200% and gets hunted down to death by pretty models and actors
a love story between a girl named Lien (played by Ripley Scott) and her pet Nostromo (played by a xenomorph called Giger)
A group of brain hackers try to manipulate the thoughts of people, but does everything wrong.
The Dark Night.
A twenty oscar masterpiece, showing a black screen without any sound for two hours.
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Net
A tiny bird tries to escape from her relationship to a psychopath cuckoo
The Cunt of Monte Cristo
A young man, falsely imprisoned, escapes and exacts revenge on revenge on those responsible for his imprisonment. By being a cunt to them.
The Usual Suspect
A black guy gets suspected of crime.
The bridge to teabithia
even more british than the orginal but the girl still dies
"American History "
It's just a "documentation"
Jurassic Ark
A man builds a boat to save dinosaurs
Leo: The Professional
A documentary about young Leo DiCaprio who decides to become a world famous actor.
Once Upon a Time in the Wet
A biopic about young porn actress Sasha Grey.
A Sci-Fi version of the theater play 'A Streetcar names Desire'
extreme fetish sex flick. Not for the faint of heart.
Star war
Fight to the death between Kim K., Rihanna, Tom Cruise and Bono
Back to
They travel in time
Ree willy
William, the son of a NY doctor meets Aisha, a member of ISIS
A true story
Apocalypse No
A young christian evangelist is waiting for the apocalypse that seems never to come.
Tim Curry strangely arouses me for 2 hours.
Finding Emo
A emotionally unstable fish searches for people who would tolerate it
A group of women goes out to a picnic, but forgot their clothes.
Sand nig
a greek gym teacher goes to the mountain range to meet with his persian friends where they talk about Hellenic history for 30 minutes
A Cockwork Orange
A man volunteers for work on his cock.. pretty self explanitory...
Lord of the RNGs
A group of friends get together for a dungeons and dragons session of epic proportions.
Rapes of Wraith
Based on a book, a serial rapist escapes prison and rapes his way to California
Oy Story
A group of Jews in a concentration camp find love. Hijinks ensue
Limp - the Hindenburg story
members of the now defunct band make a documentary about the connection between a town called Hindenburg and their unfulfilled dreams about breaking stuff. Starring Fred Durst
Unset Boulevard
In the 1930ies the Mayor of L.A. tries to finish the construction of a boulevard, faces the mob and tries to save his love interest.
Al Pacino and Robert Deniro dine at LAs best hole in wall diners and have amazing conversations.
The Las Stand
an action flick about a family reunion in Scotland
Snakes on a lane
Some snakes on a airport lane prevant a jumbo from starting and keeps the passengers frightened
A critically acclaimed movie that gave start to the career of a legendary movie star. It's actually just some footage a rock.
Onan the Destroyer
A man destroys himself with masturbation
A heart-warming tale where Al pacino learns to live with disfigurement caused by being run over by his own car. Anton Yelchin co-stars.
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bob
A gay doctor quits his job to start a sex relationship with Bob, the builder of the first nuclear bomb.
Iron Ma
A very young Tony Stark talks about his mother and her favorite Iron
Citizen Ane
A female capitalist and tycoon ger screwed by McCarthy over her communist behavior in the 50ies.
A couple of fat ugly feminist bitches destroy the popular host franchize which they parasite upon
A young straight boy visits a fortune teller machine and becomes an older bisexual man
Ave Man
Ringo Star, Barbara Bach, Stan Matuszak, and more in a heartwarming story of an inept ornithologist who attempts to win the love of his rival's wife.
A slut gets obsessed with EDM and rave parties.
A guy wants to become a fighting character from the Street Fighter game
Amy of Darkness
A young girl becomes a demon and kills everybody arround.
Ed Dwarf
The story of a very short man named Ed and his wacky robots on a farm in outer space. Peter Dinklage does his best Bruce Dern
Taxi River
Meet Travis Bickle, a young NYC taxi driver who finds out that taxi drivers have their own secret spot at the Hudson river to party and forget the stress of the working days.
Ape Fear ...
Some dumb kid climbs into a gorilla enclosure at the zoo, gorilla gets shot
Breaking Ad
100 years in the future a large corporations has taken over the world by mind controlling Ads, it's up to one man and his tin foil hat to save the world or buy trying.
Requiem or a Dream
A young drug addict does not know if yesterday's happening really happened or were just a dream.
28 days late
A zombie and his girlfriend mull over the consequences of becoming parents
Ad Max
A story about internet in an apocalyptic future after a nuclear catastrophe
Loud Atlas
People find a book that screams a lot
Mel Gibson directs the epic tale of a young neckbeard and his quest to the rainforest to find a cure for his legendary acne ..
Rain Spotting
A romantic comedy about a british drug addict and his love for counting rain drops.
2 Years a Slave
It's basically the same as 12 Years a Slave, but only 22 minutes long
The Hobbi
Bilbo and friends discover the other fun things to do besides going near dragons
Men in Lack
A couple of secret agents search for something
The Dark Night
No superheroes, just a really dark night.
Eternal Sunshine of the Potless Mind
Two lovers lose their mind because they ran out of weed and acid.
The Unger Games
The same as the Hunger games, but in Hungarian
A 2 hour conversation between Robin Williams and the Librarian from Discworld
Pirate of the Caribbean
A recently divorced Jack Sparrow played by Johnny Depp searches for an island that will accept him and his stupid dogs
The Huger Games
Sequel to HG with 256 tributes
12 years a Slav
where a man ruins his health by squatting and drinking cheap vodka for 12 years
Guardians o the galaxy
Comic book movie with an all-Irish cast.
Hi man.
A genetically engineered asassin decides to go rogue and just greet people in friendly way
End of Wath
The tragic story of a dyslexic hearing-impaired cop's untimely death
Monty Python and the Holy Rail
King Arthur invents a new machine called 'train' and build a rail system throughout his kingdom
200: a space odyssey
The remaining spartan army, led by king Leonidas fly out to space on a monolith
Her but gay
Danny Trejo has an affair with a mexican flower pot (maceta)
Of Ice and Men
2 vagrants running around California looking to feed their meth addiction.
Plane of the Apes
Genetically modified apes hijack a plane on the date of September 11, 2001.
Gran Torno
An aging Clint Eastwood finds out that there's some fucked up pornography on the deep web
Tor: The Dark World
The sequel to Gran Torno
Snakes on a plan
They spend the movie plotting shit
Some Like It Ho
A young law student tries to convince his femnazi girlfriend that some girls like to be whores.
Cool Hand Uke
A prisoner fights the system using ukulele music
Harry Otter
A sea going mammal gets invited to a very special school....
A ClockWok Orange
A mechanical Wok searches for one of his oranges
30 Spartans March into war vastly outnumbered and lose terribly.
Demolition Ma
Your mom comes over to visit and fucks your world sideways
Homewar Bound
Two dogs and a cat must prepare for a war within the confines of their household
Zack and MIR Make a Porno.
A broke guy and his close friend the russian space station try to pay bills, but discover, despite his raging homosexuality and enormous anus, that he just can't fit a space station in his ass.
Jurassic Ark
Noah finally remembers to put dinosaurs on his ship
Mad Max: Fury Rod
The porn parody of the actual movie
Op Gun
A film where op shoots herself
Si City
Same as Sin City but poorly overdubbed in Spanish
Aging Bull
An aging boxer getting weaker and weaker and has more problems beating his wife.
God's not Dad
A mother has to explain to her children through various means that just because he can do things around the house, does not make their father the almighty
Epic battle of 30 faggot being raped by the Persians
Jarrasic Par
A man builds a golf course on an island where her set loose a bunch of dinosaur clones
Reservoir Dog
24 years later, Mr. Pink is finally being released from jail to paint the town red
The Hunchback of Notre Dam
An ugly man is castaway to live his life by a dam.
City of Go.
Ragamuffins in urban Japan get addicted to stupid board game.
A pirate must land a stricken aircraft. Much hilarity and swashbuckling ensues
Source Cod
Jake Gyllenhaal in the role he was born to play, that fish-eyed motherfucker
Defese Force
One guy makes a tank, while the other is testing it, having many problems with the WAM, and a crazy guy tries to kill the inventor.
A group of Californian potheads genetically modify various species to create a living house
the own fall
Hitler falls down the stairs and dies. Goebbles needs to hide the secret fucks everything up.
Rise of the Planet of the Ape
The Obama election story
In a post apocalyptic future, humans have taken to a new cruel sport. One cute pupper must survive the arena.
A 64 year old man begins to lose his eyesight.
Pup Fiction
Puppy hitmen.
Pin and Gain
Dwayne Johnson takes steroids
Fight Cub
A bear meets a strange soap salesmen who enslaves him, and he is forced into an underground fighting ring.
A man gets his car towed away in chinatown and goes crazy.
Jason Statham is an expert and pointing out which women have penises
The dukes of Hazzar
The Arabic like nation of Hazzar needs a new ruler but all the candidates turn out to be rednecks.
a man tries to shut down the german tv station ARD and kills everyone stepping in his way.
Falling Dow
Michael Douglas goes berserk with a baseball bat on Wall Street after a market crash.
The AST Samurai
Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST) in the form of a samurai played by Tom Cruise fight for liberation of their japanese home, the Liver
Fears and Oathing in Las Vegas
Some guys eat oats while being scared of all them lights in Vegas
12 Angry Me
A man with multiple personality disorder consults with 12 of his personalities to solve a murder in the jury chambers.
>twist, he's the one on trial
Good ill Hunting
Two sick huntersmen die in the woods fighting psychopath rednecks and their heart illness
Finding Neo
Morpheus goes on a journey under the sea to ask fish which pill they would take
Saving Private Ran.
Tom Hanks and a team of marines on Omaha beach are sent to bring Jason Bourne back from the front lines but he keeps running away.
The Elephant Ma
A fat black mum tries to save her son who is being bullied by a street gang in Inglewood
Return of the Jed
The force is no match for beer-fueled redneck in space. The Sith would have welcomed him, but he keeps calling them 'thithies', and drooling tobacco juice on the carpet.
50 Shads of Grey
A fisherman called Grey has to catch the biggest fish he can find only using 50 Shads in order to win in a competition
The 4 year old virgin
A Muslim girl is on a quest to lose her virginity at the hands of her father named Muhammed
Al Pacino////Robert De Niro
A cop, a thief and $2000 worth of headware
Dad Poets Society
a couple of suburban dads gather to make porn haikus
Dude, where is my AR ?!
The hearthcrushing story of a school shooter looking for his m16
Master director Martin Scorsese depicts the sloping depth of a casino mafia boss becoming the CEO of a big Japanese company and having his problems in the land of the rising sun. Filmed in a semi-documentary fashion; about the life in Tokyo and its dark Yakuza culture.
Story of apocalyptic space cult on a mission to destroy the sun on behalf of their dark gods.
ill bill
A heartwarming story of a boy and his father bill who has terminal cancer
It's like Bruce Almighty, but with multiple god people.
Casino Royal
The Queen of England converts Buckingham Palace into a casino. A game of poker determines who will be the heir to the throne.
The shawhank Redemption
Hank Hill is on a mission to redeem propane and propane accessories
Go zilla
A guy named zilla goes around in a thread saying something about movies while others yell "go"
Prates if the Caribbean
Jack Sparrow goes on endlessly of his swashbuckling, just won't stop talking.
The Empire Trikes Back
After the humiliating defeat and destruction of the death star a rag tag bunch of stormtroopers lead by Darth vader ride three wheelers all the way home.
2 hours
A regular clock is shown going about its normal business for 2 hours.
NowWhite and the 7 dwarves
A story about Michael Jackson and a sleepover party
0 First Dates
Drew Barrymore developes a brain injury where she doesn't remember getting raped by the same tourist every day.
Oman Holiday
Princess sneaks out of her palace and is beheaded by a journalist for being outside at night and not being accompanied by her husband or another man in public
No Country For Old Me
A decrepit old refugee is struggling to find a welcoming home but keeps being turned away
Altered Tates
Mad scientist inflicts bizarre gene modifications only on people named Tate.
The Bi Lebowski:
A lot of "ins" a lot of "outs"a lot of "what have yous"...
V or vendetta
A virgin neckbeards goes after the girl that friendzoned him with the purpose of getting in her Vagina.
A Beautiful In D
A beautiful girl wants to loose her virginity to the captain of football team but ends up in a gangbang at the nerds party cellar.
Schindler's lit
This one is about smoking weed during ww2
Itch Perfect
>cause that vag won't scratch itself
And its sequel, Itch Black
Riders of the Lost Ark
Indiana Jones straddles the ark while wearing his trademark cowboy hat as his young, supple sidekick Short Round waits for his turn
Planet of The Aps.
It's hundreds of years in the future. Smart phone apps rule the earth and keep humans as their zombified slaves. Not really that different from today actually.
War of the Words
Social Justice Warriors have united to censor almost everything in media that can trigger them, find out how faggots from 4chan caused mass suicides
Tar Trek
A band of kids has to walk through a field of tar to retrieve their soccer ball
The Chin Syndrome
The Chinese invade the USA and change everyone's last name.
Indiana Jones and the temple of doo
This time the adventurous archeologist teams up with everyone's favorite mystery solving dog to discover that dark secret of scooby's heritage.
Little ISS sunshine
A smaller international space station is built on the fucking sun
Assassins reed
A man is sent through the Animus in order to find out the location of his ancestors legendary clarenet
Dial M or Murder
A psychpath terrorizes a small town with telephone pranks.
Pearl Arbor
Japanese whalers find tree shaped pearl while hunting. America bombs them to gain possession.
Ito the wild
A native american boy names Ito goes crazy after his family looses their casiono.
War raft The Beginning
A documentary exploring the invention of the raft and it's exploit during wwII.
The Bi Lebowski
a quadriplegic billionaire and an aging unemployed junkie meet up for a threesome with a white Yoko Ono. wacky hijinx ensue.
Tar Trek
follow the adventures of James T. Kirk in his quest for the perfect high
The Sith Sense
A sith boy terrorizes a shrink who lost his wife and tries to convince him that he sees death people.
PokéMom 4Ever - Celeb: Voice of the Forest
Ash Ketchum strives to collect all his mothers in his pocket while running away from paparazzi into the forest made of american celebrities
Fight Cub
A bunch of niggers beat the fuck out of a bear cub only to turn around to see the momma bear coming
the bi lebowski
the dude copes with his bowling tournament and changing sexuality
a beach bum poses as a psychic detective. murders women in the shower on the side.
The Black Hoe
Scientists discover terror on a mission to remove weeds from crops
Lien versus predator
A pedophile fights to restore a confiscated box containing his cp collection.
Pup fiction
A film with multiple storylines in no chronological order where the loud, black dog craves a foot massage and some meat.
Here Will Be Blood
A torture porn flick about a butcher kidnapping and killing politicians.
The lion kin
A group of soldiers have sex with a lion and talk about that for an hour and 20' while Furies are protesting outside the tavern
In of Celestial Birds
God shoves heavenly avians in his disemboweled abdomen.
Si city
A documentary about the future of America if Donald Trump doesn't become president.
Independence Ay
a Canadian love story
The Even Horizon
A group of high as fuck people try to make their spaceship even with the horizon all while tripping they went to hell
Sand by Me
The film tells the story of a group of 10-year-old friends out on their own and the trials and tribulation they are confronted with along the journey of building their own beach club in the middle of Wisconsin.
'Merican Psycho
Billy Bob hides something more than his relationship with his little sister.
Pace Jam
Michael Jordan dies after the Looney Tunes push him too hard to play basketball with his new pacemaker while battling aliens.
In a dystopian future Donald Trump builds a wall around the United States, little did he know the problem was underneath them the whole time...
Harry Otter and The Sorceress Stone
An otter named Harry sets out on an adventure to recover his long lost stone.
The Grand Budapest Motel
The sequel to torture porn 'Hostel' starting the a Motel franchise.
Paper Mon
A Jamaican is looking for paper to roll his blunts with
Fern Gull
Animated fairies and forest friends, and a lone seagull addicted to ferns, try to save the rainforest from developers
The Rapes of Wrath
Documentary about the Syrian refugees
Coal Runnings
Black guys start a bobsled team.
Star Was: A New Hope
A documentary about the death of a star, and the birth of a white dwarf.
The Paper Case
Lawyers discover a way to make origami finger boxes
Schindlers lisp
A bunch of Jews die because no one can understand Schindlers reading of a pardoning list.
White Hat
some dude finds a hat that turns anyone who wears it into a white person...
Lade: trinity
Third porn movie from the trilogy by a dyslexic director
Some Like it Ho
>nuff said
Try Hard
The story of the end of this thread
Black Unday
>damn Chipotle got me again
Groundhog Bay
A comedy about an egocentric and sinister fisher man with a bad case of Deja-Vu. His fishing trips repeats constantly before he meets the shark and groundhog who are causing this time leap.
In an alternate reality, Hitler comes back from the dead and makes his way to Israel
Bing John Malkovich
A man discovers he can google celebrities using Microsoft product
The kids are alight
A story about a children's orphanage going up in flames
Hunger Games: Mockingay
When food supplies run short due to a warped reality where women can win competitions gays are turned away from food banks and told to eat a dick if they like them so much
Motel employees arrested for scandalous acts.
Rear Widow
Alfred Hitchcock's unknown anal porn movie
Ground Ho Day
The tragic tale of a prostirute with a cheese grater fetish
Gone in 6 seconds.
A movie about wall street bankers.
Aranormal Activity
A movie about a day in the life of a Parrot
Eddie the Beagle
A dog tries to become the first olympic ski jumper.
Pa's Labyrinth
Little girl invents an extravagant fantasy to escape to mentally while being sexually molested by her Pa in his basement. Starring Daisy of Daisy's Destruction
Dawn of the Planet of the Ape
>a scathing documentary on how President Obama came into office
The temple of dom
It's a porno.
The Andromeda Stain
A mysterious alien substance stains a small town in the desert of Arizona and the government calls in an elite team to clean up the mess.
White Hose Down
Johnny Wadds life story
Star Wars: The Fore Awakens
Kylo Ren desperately tries to reach the same foreskin size as Darth Vader.
The Fat and the Furious
A bunch of feminists get pissed off
Am Legend.
A child with down syndrome stumbles onto news set and thinks interviewers are talking to him. Screams "AM LEGEND!!" At camera for 5 minutes before anyone thinks to get rid of him
Peeing Tom
Tom has a habit of urinating on the homeless in his city
The Hurt Looker
The story of a 25 year old loser who is obsessed with gore videos. When he runs out of OC material he starts to create his own videos.
The Hut Locker
Story of a man raped in an insecure hut as a child obsessed with hut security later in life
Captain 'Merica.
Larry the cable guy as Captain America.
Due to excessive anime consumption, Rapunzel tries to grow her hair into the weeb universum
A guy who is Adam Sandler spends the majority of his life getting promotions by lickin his boss's balls.
you must be a gay shark
Itch Black
Vin Diesel gets special eye implants so he can tell the difference between the niggers whose dicks he craves.
The Princess ride
a Brazzers fantasy story
The post apocalyptic remains of Europe after the Brexit
Arm of Darkness
It's about a white guy that wakes up with a nigger arm
A Beautiful Mint
A young guy invents the first mint drop and gets murdered by a big candy corporation.
Buffy the Vampire Layer
probably already a porno
John ick
After a retired hitman gets beat up by the eunuch from game of thrones, he decides to kill them making the common cold deadly
Beauty and the East
A disney qt goes to asia
Splendor in the Gass
a roll with Kim Kardashian after tacos
Plant of the Apes
A Documentary about black peoples addiction to weed and how it dominates their culture
It's a Bane spinoff, about a big-ish guy (for you)
There Will be Bloo
a biopic on Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends
White Hicks
the Wayne's brothers go undercover as KKK members.
Land of the dad
In the zombie apocalypse only one place is a safe haven...dadville.
It's about people who work in a lab and have to sort blood by type, it's really boring
12 Years a Slav
basically the same as the actual film
Forrest Dump
A slowminded redneck abused the forest of his home town Greenbow and makes it the dump for all garbage of the neighborhood. Later on he gets show by Lee Oswald.
Bad oys
2 jewish cops take dowb the mob, by being part of a global conspiracy to make niggers fuck white women
Bridge of Pies
In the shadow of war, one man showed the world what we stood for, and built a bridge of pies.
The G_dfather
A Jewish-American family's plot to steal as much money as possible
Ron legacy
The story of ron, and his children who play with lasers too much
Jango Unchained
Infamous bounty hunter is unleashed into an arena to battle for fame and fortune.
gets shanked by a nigger ironically
Let behind
She finally agrees to anal
Men in back
The sequel
It's about an aspiring singer who just starts to sing, as she is offered no cues.
Danes with Wolfes
A bestially porn with Claire Danes
Men Girls
Lindsay Lohan reveals her and her friends are actually traps
Crocodile Undee
It's about a dude who wears crocodile boxers