(July 24, 2016 at 6:23 pm)Yeauxleaux Wrote: I've never had a lucid dream. I'd be scared if I did, that I'd lose control and kill myself
My "dreams" are usually very weird, because they're incoherent. They tend to just be a montage of fleetingly brief scenes and images that I can't make much sense of.
Although occasionally I do get vivid ones that I wake up from and feel that relieved "oh thank goodness that was just a dream!"
I did one of those dramatic "sit up with a scream" awakenings, this one night. Can't remember much about the dream, but I woke up to what sounded like a bomb going off and to this day I'm not convinced the noise wasn't real. It might have just been a train tbh, I do live with a train track at the back of my garden and like to sleep with the window open.
You don't die irl if you die in your dreams, if that's what you mean.