1. I don't recall anybody in this topic saying that they are going to vote for Donald Trump. I hate this insinuation that if you think Clinton is a piece of poo (which I think she is) you must be a Trump voter. Donald is a piece of poo too. Can't we talk about how rubbish Hilary is too? It's her own fault her poll numbers are so bad - not the fault of anybody else.
2. There are more than two options: four candidates are on the ballot in enough states to theoretically win the presidency. That's right, people don't have to vote for Clinton or Trump. If the other two candidates weren't there, I suspect millions more people would stay at home rather than vote for the poo they've been given.
3. If one lives in a safe state for either Clinton or Trump, as Tiberius has said they do, there is no need to vote for Clinton. I know that makes a lot of the Clinton Congregation butthurt...because how dare somebody not vote for Clinton and refuse to participate in the Groupthink...
4. I imagine upset Bernie supporters will vote for Jill Stein rather than write in Bernie. Why would they vote for a party that has treated them like dirt? The Democratic party only has itself to blame if Trump enters the Oval Office.