(August 3, 2016 at 8:53 am)Atheist_BG Wrote: I found an English translation of the 10 commands of their god and after some thinking (something the believers tend to avoid at all costs) I found out that their Church and they themselves keep breaking one of these commands. Well, they break a lot more than just one, but this one in particular is quite obvious.Don't forget "thou shalt keep the Sabbath day holy.." The sabbath is technically Saturday not Sunday.
The second command says "You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them."
Well, your god is in "the heaven above", so is any other god who visited the Earth before your god did. Also, you keep claiming your god is in everything that is part of the Earth - the rocks, the water, the air and so on. But this command says you can not worship anything that is part of the planet. So basically your god commands you not to worship him either thus contradicting his own first command. And what about the "carved image" part? He commands you not to make a carved image of ANYTHING and yet you (christians) keep producing statues of christ and all sorts of things with his presumable face. So, the way I see it - you constantly break his law.
Let's skip to the 6th command - "you shall not kill". And yet it wasn't just one or two times when I was threatened with death by christians because I refuse to accept the bullshit they believe.
So, if my refusal to accept your bullshit makes me sinner, it turns out you're even more sinful than I am.
So what does this mean for the Christian? That he is indeed at least willing to admit that his morality will never be up to par, nor will it ever be enough to enter into Heaven. Which is why atonement is offered by Christ, and received by those in whom He identifies as 'Christian.'
Meaning that a 'christian's morals' are not the determining factor of his salvation.