I can't wait to use some of these arguments to get out of Jury duty.
Expert witness... What you want me to accept what you say, without any evidence.... I've never seen anyone killed by a gun before, to demonstrate it is possible.
Video of the crime.... sorry, but if I was to accept that video as evidence, then I would also have to accept GhostBusters (the excellent original of course) as evidence for the paranormal. Why you ask... because stuff.... lalalalala.
Hopefully they let me leave under my own volition
Expert witness... What you want me to accept what you say, without any evidence.... I've never seen anyone killed by a gun before, to demonstrate it is possible.
Video of the crime.... sorry, but if I was to accept that video as evidence, then I would also have to accept GhostBusters (the excellent original of course) as evidence for the paranormal. Why you ask... because stuff.... lalalalala.
Hopefully they let me leave under my own volition