(May 17, 2011 at 8:31 pm)Aerzia Saerules Arktuos Wrote: I declare lurking to be 'bad'. And I will set my pet Human on anyone that attempts to lurk.
-Silicoid Empress Aerzia responding to a lurking Darlok as she strokes one of her many Bulrathi Sows.
No more mr. Bun Bun..?
When I was young, there was a god with infinite power protecting me. Is there anyone else who felt that way? And was sure about it? but the first time I fell in love, I was thrown down - or maybe I broke free - and I bade farewell to God and became human. Now I don't have God's protection, and I walk on the ground without wings, but I don't regret this hardship. I want to live as a person. -Arina Tanemura