(September 13, 2016 at 12:47 pm)alpha male Wrote: "It is also deeply disturbing to most Christians, including me."
I would ask him - why?
Jesus asked, "when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?" The implication seems to be that no, he won't find much. My guess from the Bible is that Christianity will decline, while Islam will increase, and secularism could go either way. The decline of Christianity should be seen as inevitable to a Christian.
The answer to why Christianity is declining in the U.S. could be - to a Christian - that God is largely done with the U.S.
I think you'll find that secularism will just increase steadily and Islam will grow rapidly due to the birth rates. I mean, atheists spend most of their time on forums, whilst Mohammed has about 6 wives so, that 6 women pregnant means 6 possible children in 9 months. So, yeah, Islam will increase and could possibly take first place in the United States as far as religion is concerned. For the time being, you don't have it as bad as Germany, France and the United Kingdom. It will take the United States around 50 years to be able to catch up Europe for sure.