It's not MY claim. Go watch the Ehrman video. You may need to get his book to be able to look up the bibliography and see who else has written on the subject but surely for a scholar of your class that shouldn't be too much to ask.
Should it?
Here, since you probably distrust Ehrman, we'll give you something else to chew on.
I'm not posting this stuff to bust your balls ( okay, maybe a little ) but to shake your confidence in the bullshit story you have bought hook, line and sinker.
Should it?
Here, since you probably distrust Ehrman, we'll give you something else to chew on.
Quote: Most scholars agree that 2 Corinthians is a combination of several letters written by Paul to the community of Christian believers in the Greek city of Corinth. These letters would have been written at intervals of several months.
I'm not posting this stuff to bust your balls ( okay, maybe a little ) but to shake your confidence in the bullshit story you have bought hook, line and sinker.