(May 25, 2011 at 5:10 pm)bbrettle Wrote: If God KNOWS everything and CHOOSES to create me fully KNOWING im not going to feed the hungry poor people its MY fault? I would say thats not my doing... its His ... but agree to dissagree =)
You are going into a much debated area within theology and philosophy of religion.

Perhaps this is the heart of your questions in your first post, and I apologise if I missed it. You want to argue that divine omniscience and human moral responsibility and incompatible - well, you will need to give an
argument for why you think that is the case, you can't just assert it. I'm not a particular expert in the area, but I have not seen any strong arguments for your position. The Bible is clear that both are true - that God knows all things, including truths about the future
from our perspective (it's important to remember that there is no "future" from God's perspective, who sees everything from
outside of time and space) and that humans are morally responsible for both the evil
and the good things they do (and so can be both blameworthy and praiseworthy respectively).