I am 23 years, live in the Netherlands and am an agnost, yet I am sure that Gods as described in holy books are 100% creations of man.
For years I have been watching the impact of religion on the world. I have lived 1 year in Turkey and watched many documantaries and video's. And then there's the hours of philosophing with my friends or alone.
My conclusion? = Religion should vanish from the earth. ASAP!
I am a social person. I do not encounter any struggle myself with religious people in my daily life. I want this, because I know a relgion-free-world would make billions of people happier.
However, you can not erase religion if you not give religious people an (better) alternative. Discussing, attacking or critisizeing does not work and can only result to the opposite you want to achieve.
So my idea is to `fight` religion with knowledge and alternatives.
Give people the information that what they are actually believing in, the (horrible) history and beginning of religion, psychological reasons of why people believe and what you can do to become 100% happy in this world without being forced by any boundaries.
The latter part is 75% inspired by Eckhart Tolle's books.
Ok I have explained my aims and goals. My webdesign skills are not that great and I like writing articles and content but I want it to become a big, professional website.
So what I seek is some people that feel the need to help me and spend time in working on this project together. I already found a webdesigner, so now I search for people that want to write content and articles.
Together we can make the world a better place.
If you are interested you can send me a Personal Mail or email me at [email protected] (msn also)
I am 23 years, live in the Netherlands and am an agnost, yet I am sure that Gods as described in holy books are 100% creations of man.
For years I have been watching the impact of religion on the world. I have lived 1 year in Turkey and watched many documantaries and video's. And then there's the hours of philosophing with my friends or alone.
My conclusion? = Religion should vanish from the earth. ASAP!
I am a social person. I do not encounter any struggle myself with religious people in my daily life. I want this, because I know a relgion-free-world would make billions of people happier.
However, you can not erase religion if you not give religious people an (better) alternative. Discussing, attacking or critisizeing does not work and can only result to the opposite you want to achieve.
So my idea is to `fight` religion with knowledge and alternatives.
Give people the information that what they are actually believing in, the (horrible) history and beginning of religion, psychological reasons of why people believe and what you can do to become 100% happy in this world without being forced by any boundaries.
The latter part is 75% inspired by Eckhart Tolle's books.
Ok I have explained my aims and goals. My webdesign skills are not that great and I like writing articles and content but I want it to become a big, professional website.
So what I seek is some people that feel the need to help me and spend time in working on this project together. I already found a webdesigner, so now I search for people that want to write content and articles.
Together we can make the world a better place.
If you are interested you can send me a Personal Mail or email me at [email protected] (msn also)