RE: Signs you're a fundamentalist Christian
May 29, 2011 at 9:38 pm
(This post was last modified: May 29, 2011 at 9:54 pm by RAD.)
Actually I don't believe or do any but maybe two of the below, and those two are a stretch.
Can I still be called a fundy? Pleaeeeeaase?
If we believe we are definitely going to heaven, it's because the NT is quite clear that only faith can get you there, (and works which prove you have faith I suppose).
You might figure it out if you'd actually listened to what some Christians have said, who actually know the Bible.
This should be edited down to 3 or 4 claims, until you are sure you aren't assuming motives, or putting words in people's mouths. It could lead to an intelligent discussion.
BTW, the trials during "Voltaire's war," the French revolution, made the Inquisitions appear fair.
Have you ever noticed how atheists first they say we aren't following the NT, and in the next breath, that we do awful things? That's a logical contradiction.
They are notably are forced to pick on Christians who never actually read or followed the NT. So why should i think they are Christians?
If they knew it as Muslims know their Koran, and still did violence, atheists would have a point. But that is clearly not the case.
Can I still be called a fundy? Pleaeeeeaase?
If we believe we are definitely going to heaven, it's because the NT is quite clear that only faith can get you there, (and works which prove you have faith I suppose).
(May 29, 2011 at 1:22 pm)Doubting Thomas Wrote: Signs You're A Fundamentalist Christian
You think God hates all the same people you do.
You believe God is an all-good being who loves everyone, but sends certain people to be tortured for eternity.
You claim that God exists because it says so in the bible, and the bible is true because God wrote it.
You are against teenagers having access to contraception, but you can't figure out why the teenage pregnancy rate is so high.
You claim that you're a sinner because the bible says that all men are, but you know that you are definitely going to heaven.
You believe that if evolution is somehow proved false, then biblical creationism is true by default.
You believe that freedom of religion as guaranteed in the First Amendment only pertains to Christians.
You think that gay marriage is a threat to traditional marriage between a man & woman, but say nothing about high divorce rates, quickie Vegas marriages, abusive marriages, or hastily arranged shotgun marriages.
You belong to a roughly 80% majority in the United States, yet you claim to be persecuted by non-Christians.
You claim that the universe had to have been created because everything has to have a creator, but then claim that God always existed.
You think it's OK to put Christian monuments on public property, but get upset when Muslims build a cultural center with a prayer room on land they personally own two blocks from where the WTC stood.
You claim that there shouldn't be any separation of church and state, but are perfectly happy that churches continue to have tax-free status.
You claim that atheists are evil, immoral people, but ignore the fact that atheists only make up less than 1% of the prison population while Christians make up the majority.
You claim that Intelligent Design isn't a religious view, but believe that the designer is naturally the Judeo-Christian god.
You claim that you want to stop abortions from occurring, but are against people having easy access to contraception which would prevent unwanted pregnancies in the first place.
You claim that billboards promoting atheism are a terrible affront to Christians, but it's perfectly OK to put up billboards promoting Christianity all over the country.
You believe that the founding fathers were Christians so all Americans should be also, but conveniently ignore the fact that many of them owned slaves.
You call Islam a violent religion, but conveniently ignore Christianity's own violent past of the Crusades, Inquisitions, witch burnings, Sectarian violence in Northern Ireland, abortion clinic bombings, and current Christian militant groups like the Army of God, Hutarees, and various Christian Identity Militias.
You claim to follow Jesus' teachings, but ignore the parts about loving thy enemy, turning the other cheek, and selling everything you have and giving the money to the poor.
You claim that there is a lot of evidence to support Intelligent Design but your arguments always consist of bible verses or attacking evolution.
You sneak your daughter in the back door of an abortion clinic so your pro-life friends out front won't see you, and then join them in protesting the next day.
You believe that how and with whom everyone has sex is your personal business.
You are in favor of banning abortions but refuse to adopt any of the children women would be forced to have.
You promote adoption over abortion, but are against allowing gay couples to adopt children.
You believe that God gave man free will, but we have to follow a strict set of rules he created in order to avoid eternal torture in Hell.
Publicly you decry people who shoot abortion doctors, but privately you're happy it happens.
You believe that God created the vast, entire universe will billions of stars and untold number of planets, yet he is overly concerned with what people on a tiny planet on the edge of the Milky Way are doing.
You claim that the bible is totally inerrant and true, including the parts about a talking snake, where it says that bats are birds, insects have four legs, a flat earth, a firmament in the sky, and an impossible global flood/ark story.
You believe that Jesus is returning to earth in your lifetime, even though Jesus said in the bible that nobody will know when he returns, and it's been 2,000 years with no sign of him yet.
You believe that if you were present when Jesus said, “Let he among you who is without sin cast the first stone,” you'd have been justified in throwing a rock.
You believe that the earth was created 6,000 years ago, but ignore the fact that ancient civilizations existed long before that.
You claim that the mind of God is unknowable, but you seem to know everything God likes and dislikes.
You state that the universe couldn't have been created from nothing, but you believe that God created the universe from nothing.
You claim that homosexuality is an abomination to God because it says so in Leviticus, but you ignore the other Levitical "abominations" such as eating shellfish, wearing clothes of mixed fibers, working on the Sabbath, eating meat and dairy products together, or touching a menstruating woman.
You think that earthquakes hitting San Francisco or Hurricane Katrina destroying New Orleans were God's divine punishment, but whenever a tornado levels a town in the bible belt, it's just a natural disaster.
You claim that atheism is a religion, but are against them having the same tax-free status that your church enjoys.
(May 29, 2011 at 6:09 pm)Minimalist Wrote: But I can't figure out which one you'd reject.
You might figure it out if you'd actually listened to what some Christians have said, who actually know the Bible.
This should be edited down to 3 or 4 claims, until you are sure you aren't assuming motives, or putting words in people's mouths. It could lead to an intelligent discussion.
BTW, the trials during "Voltaire's war," the French revolution, made the Inquisitions appear fair.
Have you ever noticed how atheists first they say we aren't following the NT, and in the next breath, that we do awful things? That's a logical contradiction.
They are notably are forced to pick on Christians who never actually read or followed the NT. So why should i think they are Christians?
If they knew it as Muslims know their Koran, and still did violence, atheists would have a point. But that is clearly not the case.