RE: Being anti social justice warrior is a catalyst for bullying behavior
October 10, 2016 at 8:48 pm
(This post was last modified: October 10, 2016 at 8:56 pm by EruptedCarcassBloat.)
Quote:I really don't see how that's a double standard. I'm saying people can criticise ideas, joke about them even, as long as people aren't being personally and viciously attacked.Could it be that you got "attacked" by someone because they were impatient with you? You know it can get pretty frustrating dealing with this sort of thing. I have a friend on facebook who keeps telling me that Hilary funded isis and deleted some emails or something, and I got super pissed off at him too.
Quote:Your lovely SJW types you love defending regularly go on the (incredibly vicious) attack when someone says something that isn't sugar-coated to their liking, then when someone makes a mere joke or even fairly critiques some of their ideas, they want to cry victimYou should publish a scientific journal of your findings. No really though, idk how you expect to paint everyone with a broad brush like that.
Quote:That's my problem, and it's not a double standard. You're boring me now, good day.And then you strut off acting like you won and carry your pride with you on your shoulder.
From my experience, from what I have seen going a lot of chat rooms in gaming communities, there are a lot of people who treat saying anything that sounds remotely sjw as grounds for mocking and ridicule. There's a lot of people who like laughing at shit they think is stupid, that's what a lot of the sort of entertainment you see in our culture today is, is people laughing at stuff that they think is dumb. It's also what feeds these people, are these shock videos of where they seem to get their idea of "social justice warriors" from, which is actually such an extremely myopic and damaging point of view for you to have. You get your opinions of "social justice warriors" from shock videos, and then you go around acting like you know the first thing about the world around you? This is why I can't take anti social justice warriors seriously. The whole thing is a joke and all it does is foster hatred and intolerance, just like donald trump.