RE: Being anti social justice warrior is a catalyst for bullying behavior
October 10, 2016 at 11:01 pm
(October 10, 2016 at 1:34 pm)EruptedCarcassBloat Wrote: So I've been seeing a lot of these sort of "anti politically correct" people within the atheist community itself. Often they're against feminists and "social justice warriors" in particular. It's peculiar to me that this phenomena is so popular, because it seems to operate under the moniker of being a skeptical point of view. These points of view though are actually so counter productive, but it really had me thinking about it for a long time before I came to this final conclusion. This is part of the reason there is a cultural phenomenon of people throwing around the words "politically correct" and "social justice warrior" as a derogatory term.The word Autism is offensive to you?
Perhaps none of you interact with people like that, but there's people out there who think this way in large numbers, just look at the rise of Donald Trump. There's been a documented phenomenon in public schools, where bullying is on the rise because of people like Donald Trump's anti "politically correct" rhetoric. This is the tactic that these people use, they mock people in order to make their points, they try to make you cringe at the people they make their videos about. Just look at atheist channels on youtube, their videos aren't really focused on being informative, the general attitude in the videos is a derisive, mocking attitude.
What this attitude of mocking people does is normalize bullying behavior in cultures. It's one of the reasons why I have seen people use the word autism, I was diagnosed with aspergers, and then am told that I am being an "sjw" when I tell them that it's offensive to me. And look at the people actually making these youtube videos, they probably make a lot of money off of it, people like The Amazing Atheist and Sargon of Akkad actually make a living off of it. There's people who are profiting off of hate mongering, fear mongering, and making a living off of mocking and bullying people's vulnerabilities; normalizing that behavior.
There's a great debate that exists on the internet of a prominent anti social justice warrior commentator called Sargon of Akkad, between someone who actually studied feminism and is a feminist. I forget exactly what the video was called, but she points out how all his arguments are basically just internet sensationalism which has nothing to do with what feminism is actually all about. These tactics are really no different from the reasoning that someone would use to condone any sort of hate speech. Instead of trying to understand the thing they deride, they mock it. This leads to a culture of bullies, a culture which, instead of being sensitive to other points of view, mocks and ridicules. With no good logic besides hostile polarizing attitudes.
Are you ready for the fire? We are firemen. WE ARE FIREMEN! The heat doesn’t bother us. We live in the heat. We train in the heat. It tells us that we’re ready, we’re at home, we’re where we’re supposed to be. Flames don’t intimidate us. What do we do? We control the flame. We control them. We move the flames where we want to. And then we extinguish them.
Impersonation is treason.