The thing that I find so frightening is that so many people are willing to accept "God is good because he says he is, right there in the bible." So they will go to great lengths to dismiss all the horrible atrocities spelled out in the Old Testament. Or they dismiss everything with, "If God did it, then it is good, no matter what it is" and "God is all powerful, so he has the right to do whatever he wants." The idea that might makes right must also mean that Kim Jong Un can do whatever he wants because he's an all-powerful dictator.
But the funny thing is that all Christians seem willing to accept an all-powerful god which can do whatever it wants, but they won't accept someone like that as leader of their government.
But the funny thing is that all Christians seem willing to accept an all-powerful god which can do whatever it wants, but they won't accept someone like that as leader of their government.
Christian apologetics is the art of rolling a dog turd in sugar and selling it as a donut.